
Matematična slikanica o številu nič kot didaktični pripomoček v 1. razredu osnovne šole
ID Klara, Paulič (Author), ID Manfreda Kolar, Vida (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podobnik, Uršula (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7157/ This link opens in a new window

Matematika ima kot eden izmed najpomembnejših učnih predmetov temeljno vlogo pri razvoju ključnih kompetenc, ki jih učenec potrebuje za razvoj celovite osebnosti. Ne gre zgolj za obvladovanje rutinskih postopkov, temveč tudi za sposobnost reševanja problemov, iskanje ustreznih strategij, razvijanje ustvarjalnosti itd. (Žakelj idr., 2011). Otrok prve izkušnje z matematiko pridobi že v predšolskem obdobju (Kurikulum za vrtce, 1999), še bolj načrtno pa se kompetence začnejo razvijati v 1. razredu osnovne šole, v katerem naj bi pouk izhajal iz učenčevih konkretnih izkušenj in znanj, pri čemer si za boljšo motivacijo in razumevanje učitelji lahko pomagajo z realnimi primeri, konkretnimi ponazorili in raznimi didaktičnimi pripomočki (Žakelj idr., 2011). Zadnji dve desetletji se kot dober didaktični pripomoček za podporo učencem pri razumevanju matematičnih konceptov vse bolj uveljavljajo slikanice (Hong, 1996; Haury, 2001; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000). V magistrskem delu smo pisali o matematični slikanici z naslovom 70 češenj, ki je bila ustvarjena v okviru projekta na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, ni pa še bila preizkušena v praksi. Zanimalo nas je, ali matematična slikanica v praksi dosega cilje, za katere je bila ustvarjena. Teoretični del je sestavljen iz petih poglavij. V prvem poglavju smo predstavili poučevanje predmeta matematika in se osredinili predvsem na predstavitev didaktičnih pripomočkov. V drugem delu smo predstavili slikanice na splošno, v tretjem delu pa smo se usmerili bolj specifično, in sicer na matematične slikanice. Opisali smo njihove značilnosti ter opredelili njihovo uporabnost pri pouku. Združili in povzeli smo glavna spoznanja različnih raziskav s področja uporabe matematičnih slikanic za namen učenja matematike. V četrtem poglavju smo predstavili matematično slikanico z naslovom 70 češenj, ki je uporabljena v empiričnem delu in je osrednji predmet tega dela. Opisali smo, kako je nastala, njeno vsebino in teoretično ozadje. V zadnjem sklopu smo predstavili koncept števila nič, ki je tema matematične slikanice. Opisali smo zgodovino njegovega razvoja, kako učenci razumejo število nič in navedli njihove napačne predstave. Tudi tukaj smo povzeli nekatera spoznanja najvidnejših raziskav s tega področja. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali, kako matematična slikanica 70 češenj kot didaktični pripomoček pomaga pri razumevanju koncepta števila nič pri prvošolcih, kako se le-ti odzovejo na pouk matematike ob uporabi slikanice ter kako slikanico sprejemajo učitelji prvega triletja. Uporabili smo kvantitativni in kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se z uporabo matematične slikanice 70 češenj izboljša učenčevo razumevanje različnih vidikov števila nič. Učenci se pri učni uri z vključeno matematično slikanico počutijo prijetno in nimajo občutka, da bi se učili (zgolj) matematiko, ampak tudi druge učne predmete. Učenci prepoznavajo tudi njen vzgojni vidik. V raziskavi smo tudi ugotovili, da učitelji prvega triletja matematično slikanico 70 češenj prepoznavajo kot uporaben didaktični pripomoček pri poučevanju matematike in tudi drugih učnih predmetov. Prepoznavajo motivacijsko in vzgojno funkcijo tega didaktičnega pripomočka, težave pa so se pokazale pri prepoznavanju izobraževalne funkcije. Učitelji slikanici sicer pripisujejo pomembno vlogo, a se med njimi pojavljajo tudi napake pri razumevanju matematične vsebine. Raziskava je pomembna za večjo prepoznavnost tega, v Sloveniji še relativno novega, a zelo uporabnega didaktičnega pripomočka. Pričakujemo, da bo vplivala na uporabo matematičnih slikanic v vlogi didaktičnega pripomočka pri pouku matematike. Menimo, da bi bilo potrebno tako učitelje razrednega pouka kot tudi študente te smeri seznaniti z matematičnimi slikanicami in jim ponuditi smernice za uporabo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136197 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:105117187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Mathematics picture book on the number zero as a didactic tool in grade 1 of primary school
As one of the most important subjects, mathematics has a fundamental role in the development of key competencies that a student needs to develop a holistic personality. It is not just about mastering routine procedures, but also about the ability to solve problems, finding appropriate strategies, developing creativity, etc. (Žakelj et al., 2011). The child acquires the first experience with mathematics as early as the pre-school period (Kurikulum za vrtce, 1999); even more systematically, competencies begin to develop in the 1st grade of primary school, where lessons should be based on students' concrete experience and knowledge. Teachers can improve the students’ motivation and understanding by means of real examples, concrete illustrations, and various didactic aids (Žakelj et al., 2011). In the last two decades, picture books have become increasingly popular as a good didactic tool to enhance the students’ understanding of mathematical concepts (Hong, 1996; Haury, 2001; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000). In our master's thesis, we write about a mathematical picture book, entitled ‘70 češenj,’ which was written as part of a project at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, but has not yet been tested in practice. We are interested in whether the mathematical picture book achieves its practical goals. The theoretical part consists of five chapters. In the first part, we present the teaching of the subject of mathematics and are focused mainly on the presentation of didactic aids. In the second part, we offer a presentation picture books in general, while in the third part, we aim our focus more specifically on the mathematical picture books. We describe their characteristics and define their usefulness in teaching. We have combined and summarized the main findings of various research studies in the field of the use of mathematical picture books for the purpose of learning mathematics. In the fourth part, we present a mathematical picture book, entitled ‘70 češenj,’ which is used in the empirical part and is the central subject of this paper. We describe the manner in which it was created, including both its content and the theoretical background. In the last part, we present the concept of the number zero, which is the theme of the mathematical picture book. We explain the history of its development, the way students understand the number zero, and list their misconceptions. We have summarized some of the findings of the most prominent research studies in this field. In the empirical part we investigate how the mathematical picture book ‘70 češenj’ as a didactic tool helps to understand the concept of the number zero in first graders, how they respond to mathematics lessons using the picture book, and how the picture book is received by the teachers of the first three years. We use a quantitative and qualitative research approach. Research results show that using the mathematical picture book ‘70 cherries’ improves the student's understanding of various aspects of the number zero. Students feel comfortable during lessons when mathematical picture book is included and do not have the feeling of learning (merely) mathematics, but other subjects also. Students likewise recognize its educational aspect. Our research also finds that teachers in the first three years recognize the mathematical picture book ‘70 češenj’ as a useful didactic tool in teaching mathematics and other subjects. They recognize the motivational and educational function of this didactic tool, and difficulties have been shown in recognizing the educational function. Teachers attach great importance to it, but there are also errors in understanding the mathematical content among them. Our research is important for rendering more recognizable of what is a relatively new but very useful didactic tool in Slovenia. It is expected to influence the use of mathematical picture books as a didactic tool in mathematics lessons. We believe that it would be necessary to acquaint both classroom teachers and students of this field with mathematical picture books and offer them guidelines for their use.


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