The master's thesis deals with the wider area of Novi trg, which includes the area of the Administrative Unit and the park in front of the Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, as well as the area of sports fields, Loka, and the slope between them. The space has undergone many changes in the urban and green areas of the city, which is reflected in the current state of the space; this has never been considered as a whole. Analysis of this area shows the poor condition of most surfaces, both green and urban. The synthesis of these shows three categories for interventions: areas proposed for conservation, partial changes or complete changes, which together with the main findings of the analysis form the starting points of changes. These are the basis for the concept of spatial planning, from which the final plan is made. The end result is a redesigned park in front of the Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, that has a larger paved area, a new central green area and varied planting. Novi trg has been redesigned as a plaza. The space in front of the villa, next to the Administrative Unit, has been redesigned as a paved area and connected to park on the slope beneath it. The area along the river Krka has been redesigned as a park. The new arrangements make the space more transient, as they create new walking paths and a pedestrian bridge while introducing new, more appropriate uses of space. It connects the green areas of the park in front of the Cultural Centre with the slope and the Loka area. The proposals give a new image to the city centre, as it introduces new modern solutions, and at the same time preserves and emphasises the more important views of the medieval part of the city.