
Zastopanje in zagovorništvo v zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji : magistrsko delo
ID Pevec, Monika (Author), ID Kresal, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi z naslovom Zastopanje in zagovorništvo v zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji sem predstavila in kritično analizirala pravno ureditev instituta zastopanja po Zakonu o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov (predpostavke, učinki, podlage, obličnost, pomen, obseg in pristojnosti), vlogo rehabilitacijskega svetovalca v tem postopku ter vprašanje, ali je posameznik v postopku zaposlitvene rehabilitacije zaradi zdravstvenega stanja vedno in v celoti sposoben samostojno uveljavljati svoje pravice in zastopati individualne interese. Kako in do kakšne mere lahko oseba uveljavlja svoje pravice in interese, je odvisno od komunikacije, motivacije in samostojnosti oziroma samoučinkovitosti posameznika. Svoje pravice, ki jih osebe same zaradi svojih težav ne morejo uresničevati ali jih težje uresničujejo, lahko uveljavljajo s pooblaščencem, z zastopnikom, zagovornikom ali strokovnim pomočnikom. Aktivno zastopanje oseb ter njihova motivacija, komunikacija in samoučinkovitost vplivajo na cilje rehabilitacijskega postopka, med katerimi sta ključni možnost vključitve v usposabljanje na delovnem mestu in možnost vključitve v zaposlitev oseb z zdravstvenimi težavami. Pomemben del naloge je hkrati tudi analitično poročilo o praktičnem delu s študijami primerov prakse Zavoda Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje na Uradu za delo Šentjur, Uradu za delo Šmarje pri Jelšah ter Uradu za delo Slovenske Konjice, ki so uradi v sestavi Območne službe Celje. Povzela sem primere iz aktualne prakse v anonimizirani obliki. Pridobila sem aktualne podatke kot prerez trenutnega stanja zastopanja oseb v rehabilitacijskem postopku. Pridobljene podatke sem povezala, primerjala in ovrednotila, opredelila nekatere dileme, navedla primere dobre prakse ter možna izhodišča za naprej. Temeljni cilj naloge je predstavitev zastopanja in zagovorništva v rehabilitacijskem postopku. Naloga prikazuje tudi vpliv komunikacije, motivacije in samostojnosti na cilje rehabilitacijskega postopka.

Keywords:zaposlitvena rehabilitacija, rehabilitacijski svetovalec, delovni odnos, komunikacija, motivacija, samoučinkovitost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pevec]
Number of pages:[110] f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136163 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:108216323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Employment rehabilitation through aspects of representation and advocacy
In my master's thesis entitled Employment Rehabilitation through aspects of representation and advocacy, I presented and critically analysed the legal regime of the institute of representation under the Employment Rehabilitation and Employment Rehabilitation Act (assumptions, effects, backgrounds, form, meaning, scope and competence), the role of rehabilitation counsellor in this process and whether an individual in the process of employment rehabilitation is always and fully able to exercise his or her rights and represent individual interests. How and to what extent a person can exercise his or her rights and interests depends on the communication, motivation and autonomy or self-effectiveness of the individual. They may exercise their rights, which cannot be exercised or more difficult to exercise by persons themselves because of their difficulties, by a proxy, representative, advocate or professional assistant. Active representation of persons in this process affects the objectives of the rehabilitation process, including the key possibility of being involved in on-the-job training and the possibility of enrolling in the employment of a disabled person. The main objective of the task is to present representation and advocacy, to examine dilemmas in this regard, to demonstrate the impact of communication, motivation and autonomy on the objectives of the rehabilitation process, and to present this with practical examples. At the same time, the task is an analytical report on practical work with case studies of the practice of the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia at the Office for Work Šentjur, the Office of Labour Šmarje pri Jelšah and the Office of Labour Slovenske Konjice, which are offices in the composition of the Regional Service Celje. I summarised some examples from current practice in anonymised form. I have obtained some direct current data as a cross-section of the current state of representation of persons with disabilities in the rehabilitation process. I have linked, compared and evaluated the data obtained, citing examples of good practice and possible starting points for the future. The main objective of the thesis is to present representation and advocacy and to examine the dilemmas involved. The thesis also shows the impact of communication, motivation and autonomy on the goals of the rehabilitation process.

Keywords:employment rehabilitation, rehabilitation counsellor, working relationship, communication, motivation, self - efficacy

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