
Bralno spremljanje učencev s pomočjo terapevtskega psa
ID Kovačič, Klavdija (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7149/ This link opens in a new window

Branje je pomembno za razvoj otroka in njegovo uspešnost v šoli in življenju, saj krepi pozornost, zbranost in širi obzorja. Branje nas prav tako spremlja že od otroštva, zato je pomembno, da otroku že od začetka približamo branje tako, da mu beremo pravljice. S tem lahko dobi zanimanje in naklonjenost za kasnejše samostojno branje in učenje. Otrokom pravljice odprejo svet domišljije in igre. Prav tako mu pomagajo spoznati realistično življenje, težave in načine spoprijemanja z le-temi. Spoznajo tudi različne kulture in življenjske vrednote. Branje vpliva na otrokov celostni razvoj. Magistrsko delo predstavlja bralno spremljanje učencev v družbi s terapevtskim psom. Natančneje, zanimalo nas je, kako poteka bralna dejavnost v družbi terapevtskega psa, kakšna je njegova vloga prisotnosti na učence in ali se motivacija branja skozi srečanja spreminja. Izvedli smo raziskavo s slovenskim društvom za terapijo s pomočjo živali – Ambasadorji nasmeha in prek srečanj v tretjih razredih spremljali motivacijo branja. Pred srečanji in po njih smo prek anketnih vprašalnikov izvedli pred- in potest. Z njimi smo spremljali napredek motivacije. Po koncu srečanj smo z anketnim vprašalnikom povprašali tudi starše in z njimi pridobili povratne informacije glede srečanj. Pri raziskavi so bile uporabljene tehnike kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega raziskovalnega pristopa (anketni vprašalniki, opazovanje, opazovalna shema). Pridobljeni podatki so bili sprotno beleženi in ustrezno analizirani. Analiza je pokazala, da se je motivacija branja učencem povečala, prav tako se jim je povečalo zanimanje za branje. Razvidno je tudi, da so starši podali pozitivno povratno informacijo glede branja v družbi terapevtskega psa in tak način priporočajo tudi drugim. Rezultati magistrskega dela predstavljajo vpogled v praktično izpeljavo branja v družbi terapevtskega psa. Prav tako je spodbuda za učitelje, da to vpeljejo v pouk, saj v razred prinese nekaj novega, pozitivnega, razburljivega ter hkrati predstavlja spodbudo in možnost povečanja motivacije za branje.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136035 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:103887363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Monitoring the pupils reading with the aid of the therapy dog
Reading is important for children's development and performance at school and in life, as it strengthens their attention and concentration and expands their horizons. We start reading when we are young, so it is important to familiarize children with reading by reading them fairy tales. In that way, they might gain interest to continue reading and learning independently at a later stage. Fairy tales open up a world of imagination and play. They also help children learn about the real life, problems and ways to deal with these problems. In that way, children learn about different cultures and values. Reading thus affects their comprehensive development. This master's thesis presents children’s reading with the assistance of a therapy dog. In particular, we wanted to determine how children read in the presence of a therapy dog, what the role of its presence is for children and whether motivation for reading changes through different reading sessions. We conducted a research with a Slovene association for animal-assisted therapy, Smile Ambassadors (sl. Ambasadorji nasmeha), and monitored third-graders' motivation for reading during sessions. Before and after sessions, a pretest and posttest were conducted to monitor the progress of motivation. Once the sessions were over, we also surveyed the children's parents to obtain their feedback regarding the sessions. In the research, qualitative and quantitative research methods were used (surveys, monitoring, observation scheme). The acquired data were continuously recorded and suitably analysed. According to the analysis, children's motivation for reading as well as their interest in reading increased. It is also evident that parents gave positive feedback about reading in the presence of a therapy dog, so they recommend this approach to others. The results of this master's thesis provide an insight into how children actually read in the presence of a therapy dog. It also encourages teachers to introduce this approach in their teaching, as it is something new, positive and exciting, while at the same time providing incentive and possibly increasing children's motivation for reading.


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