
Primerjava protetične oskrbe pri travmatskih amputacijah in amputacijah zaradi sladkorne bolezni : diplomsko delo
ID Stegne, Jan (Author), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlović, Monika (Comentor), ID Levec, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Za amputacije spodnjih udov obstaja več vzrokov, kot so periferne arterijske bolezni, sladkorna bolezen, travma ipd. V razvitih državah prevladujejo žilne bolezni in diabetes, medtem ko so v državah v razvoju pogostejše travmatske poškodbe. Izguba spodnjega uda pacientom neglede na vzrok za vedno spremeni življenje. Proteza naj bi povrnila možnost za gibanje in izboljšala kvaliteto življenja oseb z amputacijo. Uspešnost protetične rehabilitacije oseb z amputacijami se razlikuje glede na vzrok za njihov nastanek. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je primerjati amputacije spodnjih udov, nastale zaradi travmatskih poškodb in amputacije, opravljene zaradi (napredovanja) sladkorne bolezni. Cilj je bil ugotoviti prednosti in slabosti posamezne amputacije, kateri pacienti imajo boljše možnosti za protetično rehabilitacijo in primerjati dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uporabo in nošenje protez. Metode dela: Literaturo smo iskali v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku, z uporabo podatkovnih baz PubMed in GoogleUčenjak. V angleščini smo uporabili ključne besede: (lower limb amputation OR lower limb loss) AND amputees AND prosthetic rehabilitation. V slovenščini smo uporabili: Protetična rehabilitacija po amputaciji spodnjega uda. Vključili smo prosto dostopne študije, objavljene med leti 2010 in 2020, ki so vključevale amputacije spodnjih udov zaradi travmatske poškodbe in/ali sladkorne bolezni. Rezultati: Na podlagi kriterijev smo vključili 11 študij. V dveh so bile opisane le travmatske amputacije. Dve sta opisovali amputacije zaradi sladkorne bolezni. Ostalih sedem je opisovalo amputacije zaradi drugih različnih vzrokov. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da je v današnjih časih pogostost amputacij na spodnjih udih zaradi sladkorne bolezni veliko večja kot zaradi travme. Osebe z amputacijo zaradi sladkorne bolezni, so ob nastanku amputacije povprečno starejše. Posledično imajo tudi več pridruženih obolenj in nižje fizične sposobnosti, kar negativno vpliva na uspešnost protetične uporabe v primerjavi z mlajšimi osebami z amputacijo zaradi travme. Poleg vzroka za amputacijo je velik napovedovalec za uspešnost tudi višina nastale amputacije, čas celjenja amputacijskega krna po operaciji in čas do začetka rehabilitacije. Osebe z amputacijami zaradi travme, bodo imele boljšo napoved za uspešno protetično rehabilitacijo, v primerjavi z osebami z amputacijo zaradi sladkorne bolezni. Študij, ki bi primerjale izključno travmatske amputacije in amputacije zaradi sladkorne bolezni, je malo, zato se v prihodnosti priporočajo obsežnejše raziskave na to temo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, travmatske poškodbe, sladkorna bolezen, amputacije spodnjega uda, protetična rehabilitacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Stegne]
Number of pages:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136029 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:104272131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of prosthetic care in traumatic amputations and amputations due to diabetes : diploma work
Introduction: There are several causes for amputations of the lower limb, such as peripheral arterial disease, diabetes, trauma, etc. Vascular diseases and diabetes are predominant in developed countries, while traumatic injuries are more common in countries in development. For patients, the loss of the lower limb is a life-changing event regardless of the cause. The prosthesis should restore the ability to perform movement and improve the quality of life of the amputee. The success of prosthetic rehabilitation of persons with amputations varies depending on the cause of their occurrence. Purpose: Our diploma work aimed to compare amputations of the lower limbs caused by traumatic injuries and amputations performed as a result (progression) of diabetes. The aim was to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each amputation, which patients have better options for prosthetic rehabilitation and to compare the factors influencing the use and wearing of prostheses by. Methods: We searched for literature in English and Slovenian, using the online databases PubMed and GoogleScholar. In English, we used the keywords: (lower limb amputation OR lower limb loss) AND amputees AND prosthetic rehabilitation. In Slovene we used: Prosthetic rehabilitation after lower limb amputation. We included freely available studies published between 2010 and 2020, which included amputations of the lower limbs caused by traumatic injuries and/or diabetes. Results: Based on our criteria, we included 11 studies. In two studies, only amputations due to trauma were described. Two described, amputations due to diabetes. The other seven studies, however, described amputations of the lower limbs due to various causes. Discussion and conclusion: We have found that nowadays the frequency of lower limb amputations due to diabetes is much higher than due to traumatic injuries. People with lower limb amputations due to diabetes are in average older at the time of the occurence of amputation. That is why, they also have more diseases and less physical abilities, which negativly impact a successfull prosthetic use, compared to younger traumatic amputees. In addition to the cause of amputations, a great predictor of success is also the height of the amputation, the time of healing of the amputated stumb after surgery and the time until the start of rehabilitation. People with amputations due to trauma will have a better prognosis for successful prosthetic rehabilitation, compared to people with amputations due to diabetes. There are few studies comparing exclusively traumatic amputations and amputations performed due to diabetes, so it would be recommended to conduct more extensive research on this topic in the future.

Keywords:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, traumatic injuries, diabetes, lower limb amputations, prosthetic rehabilitation

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