
Obravnavanje bagatelnih prekrškov
ID Kokalj, Rebeca (Author), ID Filipčič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z namenom razbremenitve organov, ki obravnavajo prekrške, in z ozirom na pravico do sojenja v razumnem roku je zakonodajalec postopoma krepil pomen instituta prekrška neznatnega pomena. Slednji je danes učinkovito orodje v rokah prekrškovnih organov in sodišča, ki omogoča hitrejše obravnavanje tistih prekrškov, ki jim zaradi njihove nenevarnosti ni potrebno posvečati večje pozornosti. Pristojni organi zato lahko v primerih, ko ocenijo, da so izpolnjeni pogoji za obravnavanje prekrška kot bagatelnega, prekršek prezrejo ali pa izrečejo opozorilo ali opomin. V magistrskem delu predstavim, kako se je razvijala ureditev obravnavanja bagatelnih prekrškov v slovenskem pravu, pod kakšnimi pogoji se navedene institute sme uporabiti, komu je dana pristojnost za odločanje in kakšne dileme se pojavljajo pri diskrecijski pravici odločujočih organov. Slednji morajo pri uporabi naslovnega instituta ves čas iskati ravnovesje med pravico do enakega obravnavanja storilcev primerljivih prekrškov ter milejšo obravnavo storilcev prekrška, pri katerih tovrsten ukrep zadošča in se na ta način lahko doseže višjo raven varnostne kulture. Naslovno temo obarvam tudi v luči aktualnega dogajanja, ko smo priča inflaciji norm zaradi sprejetja številnih epidemičnih ukrepov, pri čemer sem preverila, v kolikšni meri so bili prekrški, povezani s koronavirusno boleznijo, spoznani za bagatelne.

Keywords:prekršek neznatnega pomena, bagatela, načelo oportunitete, diskrecijska pravica, prezrtje prekrška, opozorilo, opomin, koronavirusni ukrepi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136023 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:109153795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The treatment of minor offences
With the aim of relieving the misdemeanor authorities and regardful of the right to trial within a reasonable time, the legislator gradually strengthened the importance of the institute of de minimis offence. Today, the latter is an effective tool in the hands of the misdemeanor authorities and the court, which enables faster handling of those misdemeanors that do not need to be given more attention due to their small significance and non-danger. The competent authorities may therefore, in cases where they consider that the conditions for treating the offence as bagatelle are met, ignore the offence, issue a warning or give an admonition. In the master's thesis I present how the regulation of dealing with trivial offences in Slovenian law has developed, under what conditions these institutes may be used, who is given decision-making power and what dilemmas arise in the discretion of decision-making bodies. The latter must always strive to strike a balance between the right to equal treatment of offenders of comparable offences and the milder treatment of offenders for whom such a measure is sufficient and thus a higher level of safety culture can be achieved. I also highlight the title in the light of current events, when we are witnessing inflation of norms due the adoption of many epidemiological measures, checking the extent to which coronavirus-related offences have been identified as trivial.

Keywords:minor offence, bagatelle, principle of opportunity, discretion, disregard of the offence, warning, admonition, coronavirus measures

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