
Odnos prebivalcev Krajinskega parka Goričko do varstva narave
ID Ostrič, Laura (Author), ID Škamperle, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vintar Mally, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobni procesi globalizacije povzročajo vedno več škode okolju in zdravju ljudi, zato bo treba v prihodnosti razvoj usmeriti k trajnostnemu razvoju. Ob tem je pomembno varstvo narave, katerega glavni cilj je njena ohranitev. Krajinski park Goričko je bil zaradi razširjenosti pestrih rastlinskih in živalskih vrst, habitatov ter bogate kulturne dediščine ustanovljen leta 2003. Na zavarovanih območjih so zaradi omejenega delovanja človeka pogosto v ospredju razvojne ovire. V magistrskem delu je bil proučen odnos prebivalcev Krajinskega parka Goričko do varstva narave nasploh in še posebej do območja varovanja, na katerem živijo. S pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov je bil raziskan odnos posameznih starostnih in izobrazbenih skupin do sodobnih okoljskih problemov, varstva narave in krajinskega parka. Proučili smo, ali ima lokalno prebivalstvo bolj pozitiven odnos do varstva narave nasploh ali do krajinskega parka. Pod vplivom globalizacijskih procesov se spreminjata identiteta prostora in človeka, zato je bila raziskana današnja povezanost prebivalcev s svojim krajem in regijo. Ovrednoten je bil tudi vpliv delovanja Krajinskega parka Goričko s socialnega, okoljskega in ekonomskega vidika. Iz zbranih odgovorov anketirancev so bile podane smernice in predlogi za nadaljnji razvoj območja.

Keywords:globalizacija, zavarovana območja, trajnostni razvoj, regionalna identiteta, Krajinski park Goričko
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135996 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The attitude of the inhabitants of the Goričko Nature Park towards nature protection
Contemporary globalization processes are causing more and more damage to the environment and human health, therefore, future development should be geared towards sustainability. At the same time, importance should be placed on nature protection, the main goal of which is its conservation. The Goričko Nature Park was established in 2003 due to widespread diverse plant and animal species, habitats and rich cultural heritage. Since human activity in protected areas is restricted, obstacles to development are often at the forefront of issues. In the master's thesis, we explored the attitude of the inhabitants of the Goričko Nature Park towards nature protection in general and especially towards the protected area in which they live. By using questionnaires, the attitudes of individual age and educational groups towards contemporary environmental problems, nature protection, and the nature park were investigated. We examined whether the local population has a more positive attitude towards nature protection in general or towards the nature park. The identity of space and man is changing under the influence of globalization processes, hence, we explored how the population is presently connected with their place and region. The impact of the Goričko Nature Park from the social, environmental and economic points of view was also evaluated. Guidelines and suggestions for further development of the area were formulated from the answers provided by the respondents.

Keywords:globalization, protected areas, sustainable development, regional identity, Goričko Nature Park

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