
Varnost in zdravje pri delu v podjetju: Prijava in preiskovanje delovnih nezgod
ID Berčič, Nika (Author), ID Zupan, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Varnost in zdravje pri delu je interdisciplinarno področje. Za varnost in zdravje pri delu smo odgovorni vsi – od odgovornih oseb pa do vseh posameznikov, ki so na kakršenkoli način udeleženi v delovni proces. Glavni namen varnosti in zdravja pri delu je prav preprečevanje nezgod in poškodb pri delu. Nezgode za delodajalca namreč pomenijo gospodarsko škodo; odsotnost delavca pomeni nižje dohodke, pa tudi po vrnitvi delavca na delovno mesto je lahko pričakovati, da bo morda delavca treba ponovno uvajati v delo ali mu zaradi hujše poškodbe, ki mu onemogoča opravljanje prvotnega dela, nuditi delo na drugem delovnem mestu. Nezgode pri delu imajo lahko na žalost tudi dolgoročne posledice za posameznika, ki je udeležen v nezgodi; lahko je zaradi poškodbe okrnjeno njegovo profesionalno pa tudi zasebno življenje. Obravnavanje, preiskovanje ter analiziranje poškodb in nezgod pri delu terja od preiskovalcev sistematičen pristop k problemu. Nezgode pri delu so lahko posledica neustreznega delovnega okolja ali organizacijskih dejavnikov, na strani zaposlenih pa so nezgode največkrat posledica človeškega faktorja ali nepravilnega pristopa do dela, tj. rutinskega dela, iskanja bližnjic ter neupoštevanja navodil za varno delo. Prav zato je pomembno, da so ljudje usposobljeni in ozaveščeni o pomembnosti varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Kakovostna izvedba usposabljanj zaposlenih za varno in zdravo delo, spodbujanje k dobri varnostni kulturi podjetja, analiziranje delovnih mest z varnostnega vidika, ocenjevanje in obvladovanje tveganj ter preiskovanje poškodb, nezgodnih dogodkov in skoraj dogodkov so tako ključni elementi, ki skupaj tvorijo celoto preprečevanja nezgod pri delu.

Keywords:varnost in zdravje pri delu, delovne nezgode, preiskovanje nezgod, poškodbe pri delu, vzroki in posledice
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135956 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:104232195 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Occupational Health and Safety in the company: Reporting and investigating work accidents
Occupational health and safety is an interdisciplinary field. We are all responsible for safety and health at work - from employers to every single individual who participates in the work process in any way. The main purpose of health and safety at work is to prevent injuries and incidents at work. Incidents mean economic losses for the employers; the absence of a worker means lower income, and even after the worker returns to work, it may be expected that the worker may need to be reintroduced to his work or offered another job due to severe injuries that may prevent him from performing his original one. Unfortunately, accidents at work can also have long-term consequences for the individual involved in the accident; the injury may impair his professional as well as his private life. Dealing with, investigating and analysing injuries and accidents at work requires investigators to take a systematic approach to the problem. Accidents at work can be the result of an inadequate work environment or organizational factors, and they are most often the result of a human factor or an incorrect approach to work on the part of employees, ie. routine work, finding shortcuts and disregarding instructions for safe work. That is why it is important that people are educated on and aware of the importance of health and safety at work. Quality training of employees for safe and healthy work, promotion of a good safety culture of the company, analysis of jobs from a safety point of view, risk assessment and management, and investigation of injuries, accidents and near events are key elements that together form the prevention of accidents at work.

Keywords:safety and health at work, work accidents, investigating accidents, injuries at work, causes and consequences

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