
Prostorske predstave četrtošolcev ob uporabi zemljevida šolske okolice
ID Vuga Seljak, Alenka (Author), ID Hergan, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7144/ This link opens in a new window

Z magistrskim delom želimo učiteljem razrednega pouka približati orientacijo v prostoru in orientacijski tek kot sredstvo, s katerim širimo večrazsežno pismenost učencev, ki vpliva na njihov celostni razvoj. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili ključna spoznanja o orientaciji v prostoru in miselni prostorski predstavi. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali, kakšno miselno prostorsko predstavo imajo četrtošolci, če orientacijske naloge po znani okolici rešujejo s pomočjo orientacijskega zemljevida. Uspešnost miselne prostorske predstave učencev smo ugotavljali z devetimi nalogami: (1) prepoznavanje fotografij objekta in branja zemljevida (uporaba legende); (2) uporaba oznake za smeri neba na zemljevidu; (3) uporaba grafičnega merila na zemljevidu; (4) prepoznavanje ustrezne talne podlage; (5) oblikovanje miselne predstave o smereh neba, proti katerim so usmerjene fotografije istega objekta; (6) prepoznavanje objektov, ki so posneti z označene točke; (7) natančno opazovanje različnih postavitev glede na objekt; (8) določanje položaja fotografa in smeri, v katero je bil obrnjen, ter (9) uporaba podatkov z zemljevida na ortofoto posnetku. Zanimalo nas je tudi, katere strategije učenci izbirajo pri reševanju in kako močno so prepričani o pravilnosti svojih odgovorov. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 46 četrtošolcev iz dveh razredov osnovne šole na Gorenjskem, izvedli pa smo jo maja 2021. Celotno orientacijsko nalogo so opravili na računalniku in prek spletnega vprašalnika. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima tretjina četrtošolcev razvito miselno prostorsko predstavo pri uporabi orientacijskega zemljevida znane šolske okolice in se zna z njim miselno orientirati do te mere, da so pravilno rešili naloge. Za dve tretjini četrtošolcev iz našega vzorca pa ugotavljamo, da je njihova miselna prostorska predstava še v razvoju.

Keywords:miselne prostorske predstave
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135936 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID: 103018499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Fourth graders' spatial perceptions using a school surroundings map
The aim of the following master`s thesis was to introduce orientation in space and orienteering for the teachers of the first cycle of the elementary school, and to help in expanding pupils` multidimensional literacy and to contribute to their more integrated development. In the theoretical part we presented the key findings about the orientation in space and mental spatial perception. In the empirical part we researched the extent of competence the fourth graders have in mental spatial perception when solving orienteering tasks in a familiar environment with help of an orienteering map. Pupils’ abilities were measured by assessing nine exercises pupils had to solve: (1) recognizing photographed objects and general reading of the map (using a legend); (2) using marks for the cardinal sky direction on the map; (3) using the graphic scale on the map; (4) determining a certain ground type/terrain; (5) forming the appropriate mental picture of sky directions of the photographs of the same object; (6) recognizing objects photographed from the marked position; (7) exact observation of different positions according to the object; (8) determining the photographer`s standpoint and the direction he was facing; (9) transferring the data from the map to the ortophotography. We were also interested in the strategies pupils chose to use to solve the exercises and how certain they were in the correctness of their answers. 46 pupils from two different fourth-grade classes of an elementary school in the Gorenjska region participated in this survey that was carried out in May 2021. It was carried out virtually, on the computer. The results showed that one third of fourth graders have a developed mental spatial perception when they use an orienteering map of familiar school surroundings, and by using the map they know how to mentally orientate themselves to such an extent that they solved the tasks correctly. For two thirds of fourth graders from our sample we conclude that their mental spatial perception is still being developed.

Keywords:mental spatial perception

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