
Constructivism : the limits of bridging gaps
ID Wiener, Antje (Author)

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The article discusses the input of constructivist research on international relations theory (IR). To that end, it reconstructs the central arguments of the so-called constructivist turn in IR, highlights the central constructivistinterest in theorising the impact of the social on world politics, assesses the theoretical output of constructivist positions, and scrutinises bridge-building efforts in IR. The constructivist's value-added is characterised as the focus on social ontologies, illustrated with reference to the role of norms in IR. The article demonstrates that, based on a principally different conceptualisation of norms as constitutive and regulative on one hand, and mutually constituted by the interrelation with social practices on the other, constructivists have settled into two distinct research strands. The significant difference between them lies in their respective transdisciplinary efforts in addressing the social. While the compliance approach follows a neo-Durkheimian structural understanding of social facts, the societal approach works with a Giddensian reflexive approachto the social construction of reality.

Keywords:premoščanje, konstruktivizem, Durkheim, Giddens, norme, družbena dejstva
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 252-275, 314, 316
Numbering:Vol. 6, no. 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135845 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1408-6980
COBISS.SI-ID:22605917 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2022
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Journal of international relations and development
Shortened title:J. int. relat. & dev.
Publisher:Springer Nature
COBISS.SI-ID:76065792 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Članek razpravlja o prispevku konstruktivističnega raziskovanja teorije mednarodnih odnosov (MO), zato rekonstruira osrednje argumente t. i. konstruktivističnega preobrata v MO, označuje osrednji konstruktivistični interes za teoretiziranje vpliva družbenega na svetovno politiko, ocenjuje teoretične rezultate konstruktivističnih stališč in temeljito vrednoti prizadevanja v MO, povezana s premoščanjem (racionalizma in refleksivizma). Konstruktivistična dodana vrednost je označena kot osredotočenost na družboslovne ontologije in ponazorjena z odnosom do vloge norm v MO. Članek predstavlja, da so se konstruktivisti - na podlagi dveh poglavitno različnih pojmovanj norm, tj. kot konstitutivnih in regulativnih na eni strani in soustvarjenih z odnosi v družbi na drugi - razdelili na dve različni raziskovalni usmeritvi. Pomembna razlika med njima je povezana z njunimi prekodisciplinarnimi prizadevanji pri preučevanju družbenega. Medtem ko pristop, ki se osredotoča na uresničevanje norm, sledi neodurheimianskemu strukturalnemu razumevanju družbenih dejstev, družbeni pristop deluje skladno z giddensianskim refleksivnim pristopom k družbeni konstrukciji realnosti.

Keywords:constructivism, Durkheim, Giddens, norms, social facts

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