
Devaluing diplomacy? : a critique of Alexander Wendt's conception of progress and politics
ID Sárváry, Katalin (Author)

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The article offers a critique of Wendt's conception of progress in history. It argues that Wendt arrives at his conception of historical progress from his meta-theory and his progressive view of science. For those not accepting Wendt's mera-theory, interpretation of historical progress is less convincing. Wendt's conception of progress leads to a devaluation of diplomacy for it prevents us seeing that only successful diplomacy can make change appear progressive, fostering a reading of the past through the lenses of political legitimacy. If the existing conception of political legitimacy makes it difficult for us to read our own past without prejudice, diplomacy across cultures is all the more difficult. The conclusion is that a thicker constructivism is more helpful in helping communication across cultures which, however, leads to a more limited conception of progress.

Keywords:Alexander Wendt, diplomacy, constructivism, legitimacy, power ideas, progress in politics, progress in science
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 380-402, 438, 441
Numbering:Vol. 4, no. 4
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135787 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1408-6980
COBISS.SI-ID:117061632 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2022
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Journal of international relations and development
Shortened title:J. int. relat. & dev.
Publisher:Springer Nature
COBISS.SI-ID:76065792 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Razvrednotenje diplomacije?
Članek je kritika Wendtovega pojmovanja napredka v zgodovini. Trdi, da Wendt pojmovanje zgodovinskega napredka uvaja na podlagi svoje metateorije in progresivističnega videnja znanosti. Za tiste, ki Wendtove metateorije ne sprejemajo, je razumevanje zgodovine kot napredka manj prepričljivo. Njegovo pojmovanje napredka tako na primer vodi k razvrednotenju diplomacije, saj nam onemogoča videti, da le uspešna diplomacija vodi k občutenju sprememb kot progresivnih, in tako spodbuja tolmačenje preteklosti skozi prizmo politične legitimnosti. Če nam pojmovanje diplomacije otežuje, da bi že lastno preteklost razlagali brez predsodkov, potem je vodenje čezkulturne diplomacije še toliko težje. Avtorica sklepa, da nam t. i. poglobljeni konstruktivizem olajša komuniciranje med kulturami, toda po drugi strani vodi do bolj omejenega pojmovanja napredka.

Keywords:Alexander Wendt, diplomacija, konstruktivizem, legitimnost, moč idej, politični razvoj, znanstveni razvoj

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