
Zaledni del aplikacije eQuiz
ID DOBNIKAR, ANDRAŽ (Author), ID Jurišić, Aleksandar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vuk, Martin (Comentor)

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E-učenje je prihodnost in odlično dopolnilo k že dobro uveljavljenim tradicionalnim metodam poučevanja. Je dosegljivo 24/7, cenovno dostopno, široko in se lahko prilagodi posameznikovi hitrosti, interesu ter tipu učenja. Če k temu dodamo še elemente, ki se jih poslužuje industrija računalniških iger, lahko študenta dodatno spodbudimo k učenju. Na naši fakulteti se je skupina profesorjev in študentov odločila, da bodo izdelali svojo aplikacijo za e-učenje. Naša naloga je bila prispevati k zalednemu delu te aplikacije. Napisan je bil za izvajalno okolje Node.js. Aplikacija je znana pod imenom eQuiz. V prvem delu diplomskega dela naredimo pregled sorodnih del na področju e-učenja ter prednosti in slabosti različnih načinov učenja. V drugem delu je predstavljena specifikacija aplikacije. Napisana je z uporabniškega vidika. V tretjem delu, ki bi se lahko bral tudi kot dokumentacija zalednega dela, so predstavljeni tehnični problemi ter rešitve s katerimi smo se srečevali med izdelavo aplikacije. Čisto na koncu so podana še navodila za vzdrževanje aplikacije. Aplikacija v času pisanja te diplomske naloge gostuje na spletnem naslovu in je dostopna vsakomur, ki se želi registrirati in poizkusiti reševanje nalog.

Keywords:eQuiz, Node.js, strežnik, zaledni del, e-učenje, spletna aplikacija, varnost spletnih aplikacij, JavaScript, dokumentacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135737 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:102941187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Back-end of the eQuiz application
E-learning is the future of education and is greatly complementing already well-established traditional teaching methods. It is available 24/7, affordable, broad, and it can adapt to the individual's speed, interest, and type of learning. If in addition, we add elements that are used by the computer game industry, one can encourage the students to learn more. At our faculty, a group of professors and students decided to create their own e-learning application. Our job was to contribute to the back-end part of the application. It was written for the Node.js runtime environment and it is known under the name eQuiz. The first part of the thesis provides an overview of related works in the field of e-learning and the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to learning. The second part presents the specification of the application. It is written from the user's point of view. The third part, (one could read it as the documentation of the back-end part) presents the technical problems and solutions we encountered during the development of the application. At the very end, the instructions for maintaining the application are given. At the time of writing this thesis, the application is hosted on the web address and is available to anyone who wants to register and try to solve some challenges.

Keywords:eQuiz, Node.js, server, back-end, e-learning, web application, web application security, JavaScript, documentation

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