
Hitra primerjalna analiza idejnih zasnov odseka 3. razvojne osi z BIM-orodji : magistrsko delo št.: 224/II. GR
ID Arčan, Simon (Author), ID Dolenc, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klinc, Robert (Comentor), ID Česnik, Jure (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo obravnava uporabo BIM-orodij za hitro primerjalno analizo variant v fazi idejne zasnove. Namen naloge je poiskati načine za hitrejšo, enostavnejšo, učinkovitejšo in natančnejšo izdelavo modelov različnih vrst infrastrukturnih objektov in pridobitev bistvenih količin za primerjavo variant na osnovi stroškov in trajanja gradnje. V prvem delu naloge so predstavljena ključna področja na področju BIM-a, s poudarkom na njegovi uporabi v infrastrukturi, pri čemer so izpostavljene omejitve zaradi pomanjkanja ustreznih standardov in programskih orodij ter zaradi slabe interoperabilnosti med njimi. V drugem delu je na praktičnem primeru odseka 3. razvojne osi zasnovana in izvedena primerjalna analiza dveh variant trase. Predstavljene so smernice za modeliranje, ki jim je smiselno slediti za doseg želenega rezultata. Predlagane so poenostavitve modelov in smiseln nivo natančnosti geometrije modelov ter informacij v njih. Delo zajema izdelavo 3D modelov, obogatenih z informacijami ter izdelavo 4D in 5D modelov za izvedbo poenostavljene analize. Hitrejše in natančnejše delo nam omogoča parametrično modeliranje z uporabo skript in parametričnih gradnikov. Skripte se uporabijo tudi za prenos gradnikov BIM-modela med programskimi orodji in za pripisovanje atributov. Pripravljeni BIM-modeli omogočajo izločitev kolizij v modelih, vizualizacijo zasnove in umestitve objektov ter privedejo do bolj točnega popisa količin in njihove povezave s terminskim planom in stroškovno oceno. Rezultati 4D in 5D analize služijo za naprednejšo primerjavo obravnavanih variant.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, GR, BIM, 3D model, 4D model, simulacija gradnje, 5D model, Revit, Civil 3D, Dynamo, Navisworks, primerjalna analiza, 3. razvojna os
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Arčan]
Number of pages:XVI, 68 str., [8] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135676-c77048e0-5102-3a0e-d7c0-57a693087efd This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:105319683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The agile comparative analysis of conceptual design of the third development axis variants : master thesis no.: 224/II. GR
The Master's thesis deals with the use of BIM tools for agile comparative analysis of variants in the conceptual design phase. The purpose of the thesis is to find faster, simpler, more efficient and more accurate ways of preparing models of different types of infrastructure facilities and to obtain significant quantities in order to compare variants based on cost and duration of construction. The first part of the thesis presents key areas in the field of BIM emphasizing its usage in infrastructure and highlighting the limitations due to the lack of appropriate standards and software tools as well as poor interoperability between them. In the second part, the comparative analysis of two route variants is performed on the practical example of a section of the Third Development Axis. Modelling guidelines which should be followed in order to achieve the desired result are presented. Simplifications of models and a reasonable level of accuracy of model geometry and information in them are proposed. The thesis includes the preparation of 3D models enriched with information and the preparation of 4D and 5D models to perform simplified analysis. Faster and more accurate work allows us to perform parametric modelling using scripts and parametric elements. Scripts are also used to transfer BIM elements between software tools and to add attributes to the models. The prepared BIM models enable the elimination of collisions between different structures, the visualization of the design and placement of infrastructure facilities and they lead to a more accurate quantity take-off and their connection with the schedule and cost estimate. The results of 4D and 5D analysis are used for a more advanced comparison of the considered variants.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, BIM, 3D model, 4D model, 5D model, Revit, Civil 3D, Dynamo, Navisworks, comparative analysis, third development axis

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