
Analiza naklonjenosti državljanov do nove biometrične osebne izkaznice v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
ID Železnikar, Sonja (Author), ID Dečman, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Biometrični osebni podatki so tisti podatki, ki nas naredijo edinstvene in po katerih se razlikujemo od drugih. Biometrija predstavlja najvišjo raven pri preverjanju identitete, a hkrati predstavlja velik izziv z vidika varstva osebnih podatkov. Ker Slovenija v letu 2022 uvaja biometrično osebno izkaznico, smo želeli z diplomskim delom analizirati, kaj le-ta prinaša, na kakšne načine jo bo mogoče uporabljati ter kako podobne rešitve že uporabljajo v nekaterih državah po svetu. Predstaviti smo želeli, v kolikšni meri so Slovenci naklonjeni uvedbi nove biometrične osebne izkaznice. Predpostavljamo, da je na področju varnosti biometričnih podatkov še vedno glavni razlog za nezaupanje v tehnologijo, ki jo prinaša nova biometrična osebna izkaznica, predvsem slaba ozaveščenost. Diplomsko delo temelji na uporabi metode deskripcije, ki tematiko obravnava na podlagi strokovne literature, spletnih in pravnih virov. V diplomskem delu so natančneje opisani tipi biometrične identifikacije, ki jih uporabljajo po svetu. Nadalje smo opisali, na kakšen način uvedba biometrične osebne izkaznice vpliva na vsakdanje življenje v državah, ki so takšno osebno izkaznico uvedle že pred Slovenijo. Na podlagi empirične raziskave, ki temelji na kvalitativnih anketnih podatkih, je bilo ugotovljeno, da je za uvedbo nove biometrične osebne izkaznice izredno pomembna varnost biometričnih osebnih podatkov posameznika, da torej ne pride do zlorab le-teh. Da bi bili Slovenci bolj pripravljeni sprejeti novo biometrično osebno izkaznico, bi bilo potrebno prebivalcem jasno predstaviti prednosti le-te in cilje, ki jih želimo z novo osebno izkaznico doseči, in sicer na način, ki bi bil razumljiv vsem.

Keywords:Biometrična osebna izkaznica, osebna izkaznica, biometrija, varnost, GDPR
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Železnikar]
Number of pages:XII, 63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135670 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:102513667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of citizens’ preferences of new biometric identity card in Slovenia
Biometric personal data makes us unique and sets us apart from others. Biometrics personal data represent the highest level of identity verification, yet at the same time, pose a significant challenge in terms of personal data protection. Since Slovenia is introducing a biometric identity card in 2022, we want to analyze three aspects. First, its conduct, second, how it could be used, and finally, how already existing solutions are used in certain countries worldwide. We want to present the extent of introducing new identity cards to which Slovenes are in favor. We assume that the main reason for distrust in biometric data security and the latest technology brought in the field of biometric identity cards is poor people's awareness of this issue. The primary methodology in this diploma is the method of description, which deals with the basis of professional literature online and legal sources. The diploma thesis describes the types of biometric identifications used around the world in more detail. Later on, we describe how the introduction of a biometric identity card affects everyday life in countries where such an identity card was introduced before Slovenia Our empirical research results from qualitative survey data show that the security of an individual's biometric identity card is crucial for introducing a new biometric identity card so that it doesn't get misused or misunderstood. For Slovenes to be more prepared for introducing a new biometric identity card, it would be necessary to present to the population the advantages of it and the goals we want to achieve with the new identity card. Introducing should be made highly conscientiously and in a way that would be understandable to all.

Keywords:Biometric ID card, ID card, biometrics, security, GDPR

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