
Obrnjeno učenje in poučevanje pri pouku matematike v 7. razredu
ID Glavan, Marko (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Plešec Gasparič, Romina (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu se bomo ukvarjali z obrnjenim učenjem in poučevanjem, ki ga Bergmann in Sams (2014, str. 6) definirata kot: pedagoški pristop, pri katerem se neposredno poučevanje premakne iz skupinskega učnega prostora v individualni učni prostor. Skupinski učni prostor pa je tako preobražen v dinamični, interaktivni prostor, v katerem učitelj vodi učence, ko ti uporabljajo koncepte v praksi in kreativno. Delo bomo začeli s pregledom relevantne literature. Začeli bomo z artikulacijo pouka, naslednje poglavje bo posvečeno didaktičnim inovacijam, nadaljevali bomo s poglavjem, ki bo posvečeno obrnjenemu učenju, zadnje poglavje v pregledu literature pa bo poglavje o informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologijah (IKT). V empiričnem delu bo izveden pedagoški eksperiment pri pouku matematike. V eksperiment bodo vključeni učenci 7. razreda, obravnavana snov pa bo ploščina večkotnikov. Učenci so že predhodno razdeljeni v dve heterogeni skupini tako, da naknadna delitev razreda na eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino ne bo potrebna. Vse skupine bodo pred začetkom eksperimenta dobile enak pred-test, ki bo namenjen oceni znanja učencev o učni snovi pred obravnavo le-te. Za tem bo sledil glavni del eksperimenta. Pri kontrolni skupini bo pouk potekal nespremenjeno po tradicionalni poti tako, da bo obravnava nove učne snovi izvedena v šoli, v času učne ure, doma pa bodo učenci znanje utrdili preko domače naloge. Pri eksperimentalni skupini pa bo pouk potekal na način obrnjenega učenja in poučevanja s pomočjo videa, ki si ga bodo učenci predhodno pred izvedbo učne ure ogledali doma. Čas v šoli bo porabljen za globljo raziskavo naučenih konceptov, pri čemer bodo učenci spodbujeni k samostojnemu razmišljanju in raziskovanju tematike. Po eksperimentu bo za obe skupini izveden enak post-test, ki bo namenjen oceni znanja učencev o učni snovi po njeni obravnavi. Ker nas bo zanimala tudi trajnost pridobljenega znanja, bo po določenem obdobju izveden še en post-test. Dodatno pa bo izvedena tudi krajša anketa, s katero želimo pridobiti presojo učencev eksperimentalne skupine ob uvajanju te didaktične inovacije. Pridobljene podatke bomo analizirali z uporabo deskriptivne in inferenčne statistike ter jih glede na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja ustrezno interpretirali. V zaključku bomo povzeli vse ugotovitve eksperimenta in odgovorili na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja.

Keywords:Obrnjeno učenje in poučevanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135637 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:101743875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2022
GLAVAN, Marko, 2022, Obrnjeno učenje in poučevanje pri pouku matematike v 7. razredu [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Flipped learning and teaching in 7th grade mathemathics
In the master's thesis, we will deal with flipped learning and teaching, which Bergmann and Sams (2014, p. 6) define as: »a pedagogical approach in which direct teaching moves from a group learning space to an individual learning space.« The group learning space is thus transformed into a dynamic, interactive space in which the teacher guides the students as they apply the concepts in practice and creatively. We will begin the work with a review of the relevant literature. We will start with the articulation of lessons, the next chapter will be dedicated to didactic innovations, we will continue with the chapter dedicated to flipped learning, and the last chapter in the literature review will be the chapter on information and communication technologies (ICT). In the empirical part, a pedagogical experiment will be performed. 7th grade students will be involved in the experiment, in math class, and the subject will be the area of polygons. Pupils are already pre-divided into two heterogeneous groups so that subsequent division of the class will not be necessary. All groups will receive the same pre-test before the start of the experiment, which will be used to assess students' knowledge of the subject before reading it. This will be followed by the main part of the experiment. In the control group, the lessons will take place unchanged in the traditional way, so that the discussion of new learning material will be carried out at school, during the lesson, and at home, students will consolidate their knowledge through homework. In the experimental group, the lessons will take place in the way of flipped learning and teaching with the help of a video, which the students will watch at home before the lesson. Time in school will be spent on a deeper exploration of the concepts learned, with students being encouraged to think independently and explore the topic. After the experiment, the same post-test will be performed for both groups, which will be used to assess students' knowledge of the learning material after its treatment. Since we will be interested in whether the knowledge acquired through reverse learning is also permanent, another post-test will be performed after a certain period. In addition, a short survey will be conducted, with which we want to obtain the assessment of the students of the experimental group when introducing this didactic innovation. The obtained data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and interpreted accordingly according to the research questions. In the conclusion, we will summarize all the findings of the experiment, answer the research questions and make a meaningful conclusion.

Keywords:Flipped learning and teaching

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