
Izdelava celostne grafične podobe podjetja
ID Kobal, Lucija (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu predstavljamo celostno grafično podobo podjetja, saj je ta za prepoznavnost podjetja na trgu zelo pomembna. Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti celostno grafično podobo, predstaviti njeno izdelavo ter utemeljiti končni izgled. V diplomskem delu smo glede izgleda celostne grafične podobe preverili tri hipoteze. V teoretičnem delu so obravnavni sestavni deli celostne grafične podobe. Opredeljeni so pojmi, kot so logotip, simbol, barva in tipografija. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa so predstavljeni še dodatni grafični elementi oziroma komunikacijska sredstva in njihova vloga. V eksperimentalnem delu je opisana metoda ter materiali, uporabljeni v diplomskem delu. Predstavili smo podjetje ter njegova načela. Sledi predstavitev postopka izdelave elementov celostne grafične podobe: logotipa, simbola, barv, tipografij, vizitke in všivne etikete ter priročnika celostne grafične podobe. Pri predstavitvi vizitk smo se dotaknili tudi trajnostnega vidika ter predstavili, kako smo ga vključili v izdelavo podobe podjetja. Nato smo predstavili več različic podobe, izdelanih glede na zastavljene hipoteze, njihovo primernost pa smo preverili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. V zaključku razpravljamo o rezultatih spletne ankete ter predstavimo končni izgled podobe podjetja.

Keywords:celostna grafična podoba, grafično oblikovanje, logotip, priročnik celostne grafične podobe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Making of visual identity for a company
In this thesis, we present the company's brand identity, as we consider it to be very important for the company's visibility on the market. The aim of th thesis is to define the corporate identity, present its design and justify the final look. Throughout the thesis, we also test three hypotheses that we have set regarding the appearance of the identity. The theoretical part deals with the components of a brand identity. Concepts such as logo, symbol, colour and typography sre defined. At the end of the theoretical part, additional graphic elements like means of communication and their role are presented. In the experimental part describes the methods and materials used in the thesis. We introduced the company and its principles. This is followed by presentation of the process of creating the elements of the brand identity; logo, symbol, colours, typography, business cards and sawn-in label, and brand identity design manual. When presenting the business cards, we also touch on the sustainability aspect and how we have integrated it. We than presented several versions of the identity, created according to the hypotheses set out at the beginning and tested their likeability using an online survey. Finally, we discuss the results of the online survey and we present the final brand identity.

Keywords:brand identity, graphic design, identity design manual, logo

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