
Ocene genetskih razdalj in koeficienta inbridinga za izbrane ameriške quarter konje iz rodovniške knjige v Sloveniji
ID Ferme, Tamara (Author), ID Dovč, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zorc, Minja (Comentor)

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Ameriški quarter konj (AQH) je pasma, ki se je začela razvijati v 17. stoletju. Prvi AQH je bil v Slovenijo pripeljan jeseni leta 1995, do novembra 2021 so bili pri nas skupno registrirani 1003 AQH. Za genotipizacijo smo izbrali konje iz rodovniške knjige in njihove potomce. Genotipizirali smo 63 AQH, na 17 mikrosatelitnih lokusih. V analizo rodovnika smo zajeli 2779 živali, 705 trenutno živečih AQH v Sloveniji nam je predstavljalo referenčno populacijo. V celotni populaciji poznamo starše pri 62,99 % živali, v referenčni populaciji pa pri 88,72 % živali. Delež znanih prednikov se v celotni populaciji zmanjša že po prvi generaciji, v referenčni populaciji pa po tretji generaciji. Povprečni koeficient inbridinga za populacijo AQH v Sloveniji znaša 0,23 % pri 441 inbridiranih živalih. V celotni populaciji najdemo 988 osnovalcev, v referenčni populaciji pa 745. S 658 predniki pojasnimo 100 % genetske variabilnosti pri AQH v Sloveniji (v referenčni populaciji s 320 predniki). Koeficienti inbridinga (F) izračunani na osnovi rodovnika, so pričakovano nižji od F izračunanih na osnovi mikrosatelitov. Najvišja vrednost F, izračunana na osnovi rodovnikov, znaša 25 %, na osnovi mikrosatelitov pa 31,96 %. Korelacija med vrednostima za koeficient inbridinga, pridobljenima na dva načina, za genotipizirane konje ni statistično značilna.

Keywords:konjereja, konji, pasme, ameriški quarter konj, genetika, rodovniške knjige, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135539 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:101897219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.03.2022
FERME, Tamara, 2022, Ocene genetskih razdalj in koeficienta inbridinga za izbrane ameriške quarter konje iz rodovniške knjige v Sloveniji [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Estimates for genetic distances and coefficient of inbreeding for selected American Quarter Horses in the Slovenian stud book
The American Quarter Horse (AQH) is a breed that began to develop in the 17th century. The first AQH was brought to Slovenia in the autumn of 1995 and until November 2021 a total of 1.003 AQHs were registered in Slovenia. For genotyping, we selected horses from Slovenian Stud Book and their offspring. We genotyped 63 AQH at 17 microsatellite loci. We included 2.779 animals in the pedigree analysis, 705 currently living AQH in Slovenia represents the reference population. In the entire population, parents are known for 62,99% of animals, and in the reference population for 88,72%. The percentage of known ancestors in the entire population decreases after the first generation, and in the reference population after the third generation. The average inbreeding coefficient (F) in the Slovenian AQH population is 0,23% with 441 inbreed animals. In the entire population, we found 988 founders and 745 in the reference population. With 658 ancestors we can explain 100% genetic variability in the AQH population in Slovenia (in the reference population with 320 ancestors). The F-values based on pedigree information were predictably lower than those based on microsatellite data. The highest F based on pedigree information is 25% whereas the highest F based on microsatellites is 31,96%. There was no significant correlation between the inbreeding coefficients estimated using the pedigree data and microsatellites.

Keywords:horse breeding, horses, breeds, American Quarter Horse, genetics, stud books, Slovenia

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