
Sodelovanje specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov in staršev v času izobraževanja na daljavo
ID Mlakar, Špela (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Plešec Gasparič, Romina (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7120/ This link opens in a new window

V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela predstavljamo pojem sodelovanja med šolo in starši in njegov namen; oblike sodelovanja; dejavnike, ki ovirajo ali spodbujajo učinkovito sodelovanje ter načela sodelovanja. Predstavljamo kompetence, ki jih pedagoški delavci potrebujejo za sodelovanje s starši, ter izkušnjo sodelovanja s starši povežemo s profesionalnim razvojem specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov (v nadaljevanju SRP). Cilj magistrskega dela je raziskati in preučiti področje sodelovanja staršev in SRP, podrobno analizirati njihovo sodelovanje v času izobraževanja na daljavo (v nadaljevanju IND) ter primerjati le-to z njihovim sodelovanjem v času izobraževanja v šoli (v nadaljevanju IVŠ). Prav tako je cilj preveriti, če in kako so informacijsko-komunikacijske kompetence enih in drugih vplivale na medsebojno sodelovanje. Nazadnje je cilj preučiti tudi področje profesionalnega razvoja SRP ter doprinos, ki ga je nanj imelo IND. Rezultati so bili pridobljeni s tehniko anketiranja z uporabo nestandardiziranega anketnega vprašalnika za SRP in starše otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter s tehniko intervjuja. V raziskavi je bila uporabljena deskriptivna in kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja ter kvantitativni in kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Način vzorčenja je bil neslučajnostni in namenski. Vprašalnik je bil uporabljen na vzorcu SRP, ki izvajajo dodatno strokovno pomoč (N = 43) in starših otrok s posebnimi potrebami (N = 41). Intervju smo izvedli z eno SRP in eno mamo otroka s posebnimi potrebami. Podatki so bili obdelani na ravni deskriptivne in inferenčne statistike. Rezultati kažejo, da so starši in SRP v času IND v povprečju sodelovali bolj pogosto kot v času IVŠ. Izkazalo se je, da je bilo medsebojno sodelovanje bolj pogosto v primeru staršev, ki imajo mlajše otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Tako eni kot drugi so bili večinoma zadovoljni s pogostostjo stikov in medsebojnim sodelovanjem v času IND. Čeprav je večina odgovarjala, da sta jima oba načina sodelovanja enako ustrezala, so starši vseeno bolj nagnjeni k medsebojnemu sodelovanju v času IVŠ. Oboji so v obdobju IND prepoznali tako prednosti kot slabosti, prav tako so se pri medsebojnem sodelovanju srečevali z raznimi težavami in ovirami. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se SRP v različnih vidikih sodelovanja s starši v času IND glede na število let delovne dobe ne razlikujejo, medtem ko so se pri starših pojavile statistično pomembne razlike glede na doseženo stopnjo izobrazbe. Starši z višjo stopnjo izobrazbe so ob pričetku IND imeli manjšo potrebo po navodilih in dodatnih znanjih za uporabo digitalne tehnologije in spletnih orodij. Izkazalo se je, da so otroci v času IND potrebovali več podpore in pomoči staršev kot prej. Prav tako je bilo ugotovljeno, da so se v času IND starši čutili dovolj vključene v partnerski odnos, SRP pa so bili zadovoljni z njihovo vključenostjo. Z vidika strokovne skupine so SRP v največji meri poročali, da so starše vključevali v proces individualiziranega programa, medtem, ko so bili starši pri tem bolj neodločeni. Izkazalo se je, da so SRP v šolskem letu 2020/21 v povprečju izvedli dve srečanji strokovne skupine, starši so poročali, da je bilo v povprečju izvedeno le eno srečanje, kar 7 staršev pa je poročalo, da ni bilo izvedenega niti enega srečanja strokovne skupine. SRP so v povprečju svojo lastno digitalno kompetentnost pred pričetkom IND ocenili kot povprečno in so ob pričetku IND potrebovali več navodilih in dodatnih znanj, medtem ko pri starših ni prišlo do statistično pomembnih razlik. Nazadnje smo ugotovili, da je obdobje IND imelo velik vpliv na profesionalni razvoj – SRP so v največji meri ocenili, da je IND z nekaterimi vidiki pozitivno, z drugimi negativno doprinesel njihovemu profesionalnemu razvoju. Prav tako so se v največji meri strinjali, da so se v času IND uspeli fleksibilno prilagoditi na spremenjen način dela ter da si jim je IND uspelo predstavljati kot pozitiven izziv. Z raziskavo smo v slovenski šolski prostor doprinesli pomemben strokovni vpogled v vpliv epidemije covid-19 na izobraževanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami v času izobraževanja na daljavo, sodelovanje staršev in specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov v tem času ter vpliv izobraževanja na daljavo na njihov profesionalni razvoj.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135319 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:99857155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Collaboration between special education teachers and parents in distance education
In the theoretical part of the master's thesis we present the concept of cooperation between the school and the parents and its purpose; forms of cooperation; factors that hinder or promote effective cooperation and the principles of cooperation. We present the competencies that pedagogical workers need to work with parents and connect the experience of working with parents with the professional development of special and rehabilitation educators (hereinafter SRP). The aim of the master's thesis is to research and study the field of cooperation between parents and the SRP, to analyze in detail their participation during distance learning (hereinafter IND) and to compare it with their participation during school education (hereinafter IVŠ). The aim is also to check if and how the information and communication competencies of both have affected each other. Finally, the aim is to examine the field of professional development of the SRP and the contribution that the IND has made to it. The results were obtained with the survey technique, using a non-standardized questionnaire for the SRP and parents of children with special needs, and with the interview technique. The research used a descriptive and causal, non-experimental method, of pedagogical research as well as a quantitative and qualitative research approach. The sampling method was non-random and purposeful. The questionnaire was used on a sample of SRPs providing additional professional assistance (N = 43) and parents of children with special needs (N = 41). We conducted the interview with one SRP and one mother of a child with special needs. Data were processed at the level of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that parents and the SRP participated on average more often during the IND than during the IVŠ. It turned out that mutual cooperation was more common in the case of parents who have younger children with special needs. Both were mostly satisfied with the frequency of contacts and mutual cooperation during the IND. Although the majority answered that both methods of cooperation suited them equally, parents are still more inclined to cooperate with each other during the IVŠ. Both of them recognized both strengths and weaknesses during the IND period, and also faced various difficulties and obstacles in their cooperation with each other. The results of the research showed that the SRP did not differ in different aspects of cooperation with parents during the IND according to the number of years of service, while there were statistically significant differences in parents according to the level of education achieved. Parents with a higher level of education had less need for guidance and additional skills to use digital technology and online tools at the start of the IND. It turned out that children needed more parental support and help during the IND than before. It was also found that during the IND, parents felt sufficiently involved in the partnership and the SRP were satisfied with their involvement. From the point of view of the expert group, the SRP reported that they actively included the parents in the process of making an individualized program, while parents were more indecisive towards this topic. It turned out that the SRP held an average of two meetings of the expert group in the 2020/2021 school year, while parents reported that only one meeting was held on average, and 7 parents reported that not a single meeting of the expert group was held. On average, the SRPs assessed their own digital competence before the start of the IND as average and needed more guidance and additional knowledge at the start of the IND, while there were no statistically significant differences in parents. Finally, we found that the IND period had a major impact on professional development, which was largely judged to have contributed positively in some respects and negatively in others. They also largely agreed that during the IND they managed to adapt flexibly to the changed way of working and that they managed to imagine the IND as a positive challenge. The research provided important expert insight into the impact of the covid-19 epidemic on the education of children with special needs during distance education, the participation of parents and special and rehabilitation educators during this time, and the impact of distance education on their professional development.


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