
Otrokovo razumevanje pojmov živo in neživo v različnih učnih okoljih vrtca
ID Ševa, Dražana (Author), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šindić, Aleksandra (Comentor)

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Predšolski otroci spoznavajo svet okoli sebe v različnih učnih okoljih. V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na otrokovo razumevanje živega in neživega v različnih učnih okoljih vrtca. Med otroki obstajajo velike individualne razlike v razumevanju teh pojmov, ki so povezane z razvojem mišljenja in spodbudami v okolju. Otrokovo pojmovanje živega postopoma vključuje otrokovo znanje, da ni nujno, da se vse živo premika in ima zavest (rastline) ter da vsako živo bitje izhaja iz nečesa, se hrani, diha, razvija, razmnožuje in na koncu umre. Izhajala sem iz Piagetove teorije in nedavnih raziskav ter kritike te teorije. V teoretičnem delu sem poleg tega predstavila in analizirala tudi področje narave v slovenskem Kurikulumu za vrtce (1999), gozdno pedagogiko in gozdne vrtce ter ekovrtce. Raziskovala sem, kako na razumevanje otrokovega pojmovanja pojmov živo in neživo vpliva različno učno okolje vrtca (če imajo program oz. nimajo programa za spoznavanje narave). Zanimalo me je tudi, ali se rezultati ujemajo s Piagetovo teorijo in ali različna okolja vrtca vplivajo na otrokovo razumevanje pojmov živo in neživo. Za raziskavo sem z mentorico in s somentorico oblikovala instrument, ki je vseboval 18 fotografij, na katerih so prikazane živali, igrače, žive in nežive rastline ter liki iz risank in reklam. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 65 otrok, starih od 4 do 5 let, iz različnih vrtcev: iz vrtca z dodatnim gozdnim programom, ekovrtca in običajnega vrtca, ki na tem področju ne izvaja dodatnih dejavnosti. Z vsakim otrokom, vključenim v vzorec, sem opravila individualni strukturirani intervju. Otrok je moral odgovoriti, ali je stvar na fotografiji živa in zakaj je tako mislil. Podatke sem kvalitativno in kvantitativno analizirala in interpretirala. S primerjavami med vrtci oz. različnimi učnimi okolji smo prišli do sklepa, da med njimi ni nobene razlike, torej da poseben poudarek na spoznavanju narave ne vpliva na otrokovo razumevanje pojmov živo oz. neživo. Otroci so pokazali najboljše razumevanje pri živih živalih, najslabše pa pri likih iz reklam in animiranih filmov.

Keywords:predšolski otrok
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135288 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID: 99630339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Child's understanding of the concepts "live" and "not live" in various preschool environments
Preschool children get to know the world around them in different learning environments. In my master's thesis, I focused on children's understanding of the living and the non-living in different learning environments of preschool. There are large individual differences in children's understanding of these concepts, which are related to development of thinking and stimuli in the environment. A child's conception of the living gradually includes the child's knowledge that it is not necessary for all living things to move and have consciousness (plants), and that every living being comes from something, feeds, breathes, develops, reproduces and eventually dies. My starting point was Piaget's theory and recent research and critique of that theory. In the theoretical part, I also presented and analyzed the field of nature in the Slovenian Curriculum for Preschools (1999), forest pedagogy, and forest preschools and eco-preschools. I researched how children's understanding conception of living and non-living concepts are influenced by the different learning environments of the preschool (if they have or not have a special program for learning about nature). I was also interested in whether the results matched with Piaget's theory and whether the different environments influenced the child's understanding of the concepts of animate and inanimate. With the help of my mentor and commentor, I have designed an instrument for the empirical research, that had 18 photographs showing animals, toys, living and non-living plants, and characters from cartoons and commercials … children aged 4-5 years from different preschool, namely, from the preschool with an additional forest program, from the eco preschool, and from the preschool, which does not carry out additional activities in the area. I conducted an individual structured interview with each child included in the simple. The child had to answer whether the thing in the photo was alive and why they thought so. I analyzed and interpreted the data qualitatively and quantitatively. With the comparisons between preschool or different learning environments we concluded that there is no difference between them, so that special emphasis on learning about nature does not affect the child's understanding of concepts of living or non-living. The children showed the best understanding of live animals and worst in characters from commercials and animated films.

Keywords:preschool child

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