
Situacijski pristop k oblikovanju agilne metode razvoja programske opreme
ID ROVAN, ANA (Author), ID Hovelja, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je pripraviti situacijski pristop k agilnemu razvoju programske opreme za specifičen tip podjetja. V prvem delu je predstavljena zgodovina vodenja projektov in razvoj procesnih metod ter opis pogosto uporabljenih agilnih modelov razvoja programske opreme. Drugi del se posveti opredelitvi situacijskega pristopa -- od načina ocenjevanja posameznih potencialnih elementov pristopa, zastavitev vprašanj glede na literaturo in sami sestavi ankete. Sledi poglavje, ki opiše uporabo pristopa na specifičnem podjetju. Začne se z predstavitvijo podjetja in analizo rezultatov empirične raziskave. Osrednji del raziskave predstavlja izvedba fokusnih delavnic, sam izbor elementov metode razvoja programske opreme in razlago razlogov za njihovo izbiro. Nadaljuje se s seznamom izbranih elementov metode in povratno informacijo vodstva. Diplomsko delo se zaključi s sklepnimi ugotovitvami in možnim prihodnjim delom na tem področju.

Keywords:agilne metode, razvoj programske opreme, ocenjevanje elementov razvoja programske opreme, situacijski pristop razvoja metodologij
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135266 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:99807747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Situational approach to designing an agile software development method
The purpose of the thesis is to prepare a situational approach to agile software development for a specific type of company. The first part describes the history of project management and the development of process methods, as well as a description of commonly used agile software development models. The second part focuses on the definition of the situational approach - from the evaluation of individual potential elements of the approach and forming questions based on the literature to the composition of the survey. The following is a section that describes how to apply the approach to a specific company. It begins with a presentation of the company and analysis of the results of empirical research. The central part of the research is the implementation of focus workshops, the selection of elements of the software development method and the explanation of the reasons for their choice. It continues with a list of selected method elements and management feedback. The diploma thesis concludes with final thoughts and possible further work in this field.

Keywords:agile methods, software development, evaluation of software development elements, situational method engineering

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