
Izkušnje in doživljanje mater otrok z epilepsijo : magistrsko delo
ID Matovina, Ivana (Author), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem preučevala izkušnje in doživljanje mater otrok z epilepsijo. Osredotočila sem se na doživljanje mater ob prejeti diagnozi, kako se s tem spoprijemajo, kako to vpliva nanje osebno, kako na družino in družinsko dinamiko, službo, vsakodnevne aktivnosti ter na razne izkušnje, predvsem kako je potekalo sodelovanje z zdravniki ter informiranje vrtcev ali šol o bolezni otroka in odziv le-teh. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 12 mater otrok z epilepsijo, s katerimi sem opravila polstrukturirani intervju. Po postopku utemeljene teorije je nastalo šest glavnih kategorij s pripadajočimi podkategorijami. Matere so poročale o predvsem negativnih občutjih ob prejeti otrokovi diagnozi in ob epileptičnih napadih otrok, kjer prevladujeta predvsem občutka šoka in strahu. Nekatere udeleženke so se sicer na začetku z diagnozo otrok težko sprijaznile, nekaterim pa je to prineslo olajšanje. Matere so poročale o vplivu otrokove diagnoze na različna področja v življenju. Pri družinskih odnosih so tako poročale o večji povezanosti z otrokom in o spodbujanju občutka normalnosti ter hkrati o oddaljitvi s partnerjem in o trudu ohranjanja odnosov z ostalimi družinskimi člani. Med drugim so poročale tudi o ostalih spremembah, predvsem o prilagajanju otrokovim potrebam, o težavah pri iskanju varstva za otroka, težavah s spanjem in o prilagajanju potovanj in službenega dela za potrebe otroka. Pri izkušnjah v zdravstvu so udeleženke poročale o pozitivnih izkušnjah, predvsem o dobrem sodelovanju in izmenjavanju informacij z zdravniki, in negativnih izkušnjah, predvsem o skopem informiranju in potrebi po samoiniciativnosti pri otrokovi obravnavi. Pri vpisu otrok v vrtec so matere poročale večinoma o pozitivnih izkušnjah, nekaj negativnih izkušenj pa so imele predvsem v šoli, kjer so izpostavile nerazumevanje otrokovih potreb. Za spoprijemanje se matere poslužujejo različnih strategij, pri čemer prevladuje pogovor z bližnjimi in družinami s podobnimi izkušnjami, skrb zase ter iskanje informacij o epilepsiji. Na podlagi ugotovitev so v zaključku opisani tudi primeri, kjer bi lahko psihologi pomagali pri lažjem premagovanju ovir staršev in otrok na različnih področjih.

Keywords:epilepsija, matere otrok z epilepsijo, doživljanje, izkušnje, spoprijemanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Matovina]
Number of pages:62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135207 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:99676931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences of Mothers of Children with Epilepsy
In my master's thesis, I studied the experiences of mothers of children with epilepsy. I focused on the experience of mothers upon receiving the diagnosis, how they cope with it, how it affects them personally, their family and their family dynamics, work, daily activities, and various other experiences, particularly how they cooperated with doctors and informed kindergartens or schools about their child’s illness and the institution’s response. The study included 12 mothers of children with epilepsy, with whom I conducted a semi-structured interview. Following the procedure of grounded theory, six main categories with the corresponding subcategories were created. Mothers reported mainly negative feelings when the child was diagnosed and during epileptic seizures, when the feeling of shock and fear prevailed. Some of the participants found it difficult to come to terms with the diagnosis of the children at the beginning, but for some it was a relief. Mothers reported the impact of a child’s diagnosis on various areas of their life. In family relationships, they reported changes when it comes to having a better connection with their child, normalizing epilepsy, distancing from their partner and trying to maintain relationships with other family members. Among other things, they reported especially adapting to their child's needs, difficulties in finding care for the child, problems with sleeping, and adjusting travel and work to the child's needs. When it comes to their experiences with health care, participants reported positive experiences, especially good cooperation and exchange of information with doctors and negative experiences in connection with the lack of information and the need for self-initiative in the child's treatment. When enrolling children in kindergarten, mothers reported mostly positive experiences, while those who enrolled their children in school sometimes reported negative experiences due to a lack of understanding of the child's needs. Mothers use a variety of strategies to cope, predominantly conversations with loved ones and families with similar experiences, self-care, and seeking information about epilepsy. Based on these findings, the conclusion also describes cases where psychologists could help to overcome the obstacles of parents and children in different areas.

Keywords:epilepsy, mothers of children with epilepsy, experience, coping behavior

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