
Pridelek breskve (Prunus persica L.) sorte 'Redhaven' po uporabi biostimulantov na osnovi silicija in titana
ID Sodin, Aljaž (Author), ID Hudina, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi upada pridelave breskev v Sloveniji in želje po večji pridelavi breskev, smo preizkusili uporabo različnih tehnoloških ukrepov in sredstev, tudi biostimulantov. S poskusom smo želeli preveriti in ugotoviti vplive biostimulantov na osnovi silicija in titana pri breskvi (Prunus persica L.) sorte 'Redhaven'. Poskus je bil izveden v Hortikulturnem centru Biotehniške fakultete leta 2020, v katerega so bila vključena štiri obravnavanja: škropljenje dreves s pripravkom Tytanit, škropljenje dreves s pripravkoma Tytanit+Optysil, škropljenje s pripravkom Optysil in kontrola. Drevesom smo prešteli rodne šibe in izmerili obseg debla 20 cm nad cepljenim mestom. Obiranje smo prilagodili zorenju plodov, potrebovali smo štiri obiranja. Vsako drevo smo obrali v svoj zaboj, prešteli število plodov in jih stehtali. Na reprezentativnem vzorec plodov smo opravili meritve višine, širine, debeline, mase ploda, trdote mesa, vsebnosti topne suhe snovi in titracijskih kislin, mase koščice ter parametrov osnovne in krovne barve ploda. Ugotovili smo, da sta pripravka Optysil in Tytanit pozitivno vplivala na pridelek, plodovi tretirani s pripravkom Optysil so imeli največjo trdoto mesa. Na zmanjšanje vsebnosti titracijskih kislin v plodovih je vplivala kombinacija pripravkov Tytanit+Optysil. Rezultati poskusa so enoletni in na zmanjšanje pridelka so vplivale vremenske razmere (spomladanska pozeba), zato predlagamo, da se poskus ponovi na več lokacijah in v več rastnih dobah za pridobitev bolj natančnih rezultatov uporabe pripravkov Tytanit in Optysil.

Keywords:breskev, Prunus persica, titan, silicij, gnojenje, kakovost, količina, pridelek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Sodin]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135162 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98766595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Yield of peach (Prunus persica L.) cultivar 'Redhaven' after application of silicon and titanium based biostimulants
Due to the decline in peach production in Slovenia and the desire for greater peach production, we think it makes sense to try the use of various technological measures, including use of biostimulants. We wanted to test and determine the effects of silicon- and titanium-based biostimulants on peach (Prunus persica L.) cultivar 'Redhaven'. The experiment was carried out at the Horticultural Center of the Biotechnical Faculty in 2020, which included four treatments: spraying trees with Tytanit, spraying trees with Tytanit+Optysil, spraying with Optysil and control. We counted the fruiting branches of the trees and measured the trunk circumference 20 cm above the grafting point. We adjusted the harvest to the ripening of the fruit and we needed four harvests. We picked each tree separately, counted the number of fruits, and weighed them. We randomly selected a representative sample on which we made measurements of height, width, thickness, fruit weight, fruit firmness, soluble solids content and titratable acid content, stone weight and parameters of ground and cover colour of the fruit. We found that Optysil and Tytanit had a positive effect on yield, and fruits treated with Optysil had the highest fruit firmness. The reduction of the titratable acids content in the fruit was influenced by the combination of Tytanit+Optysil. The results of the experiment are one-year and the reduction in yield was influenced by weather conditions (spring frost), so we suggest that the experiment be repeated in more locations and in several growing seasons to obtain more accurate results of Tytanit and Optysil.

Keywords:peach, Prunus persica, titanium, silicon, fertilization, quality, quantity, yield

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