
Delovanje amaterskih gledaliških organizacij na področju Gorenjske v povojnih letih
ID Škrlep, Rok (Author), ID Balkovec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Amaterska gledališka dejavnost je svoj vrhunec doživela v letih po drugi svetovni vojni. To je bilo obdobje, ko je oblast investirala veliko sredstev, ki so vzpodbujala amatersko kulturo, počasi pa začela zatirati profesionalno »vrhunsko« kulturo. A državna podpora ni prinašale le ugodnosti, ampak tudi marsikatero skrb zaradi strogega nadzora in cenzure. Na Gorenjskem je od leta 1950 naprej kot edino profesionalno gledališče delovalo Prešernovo gledališče, pa še to se je stalno soočalo s spori z oblastjo in se borilo za obstanek. Najštevilčnejši obisk gledališč je bil ravno v Kranju, ne moremo pa govoriti o kakršnikoli centralizaciji, saj so bila amaterska društva dobro razporejena tako v urbanem kot v ruralnem okolju. Amaterska gledališka dejavost je živela praktično v vsaki vasi. Po navadi pa je bilo, sploh v manjših krajih, več kulturnih dejavnosti združenih v enem društvu. Društva so, če so želela prejemati državna sredstva, morala pošiljati poročila o svojem delu na Zvezo kulturnih organizacij Kranj, ki je ves ta čas shranjevala njihove podatke.

Keywords:gledališče, amatersko gledališče, Gorenjska, kultura, povojna leta, kulturno društvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135149 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Activities of amateur theater organizations in the Gorenjska region in the post-war years
Amateur theater activity reached its peak in the years after World War II. This was a period when the government invested a lot of money in it, which encouraged amateur culture, and slowly started to suppress professional "high" culture. But state support brought not only benefits, but also many concerns due to strict control and censorship. In Gorenjska, Prešeren's theater was the only professional theater in this period, and it was constantly facing conflicts with the authorities and fighting for existance. Most of theater visits in general were in Kranj, but we cannot talk about any kind of centralization, as amateur societies were well distributed in both urban and rural areas. Amateur theatrical activity lived in practically every village. Especially in smaller places several cultural activities were combined in one society. If the societies wanted to receive state funds, they had to send reports of their work to the Association of Cultural Organizations Kranj, which kept their data all this time.

Keywords:theater. amateur theater, Gorenjska, culture, post-war years, cultural society

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