
Primerjava orodij za mutacijsko testiranje javanskih programov
ID JUTREŠA, ROBERT (Author), ID Rožanc, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo se loteva problematike izbire najbolj primernega orodja za izvajanje mutacijskega testiranja z vidika splošnega uporabnika. Pri tem se upoštevajo statistični podatki porabe časa in računalniških virov ter empirični podatki, kot so uporabniška prijaznost in funkcionalnosti, ki jih orodje ponuja. Problem mutacijskega testiranja je predvsem njegova časovna in računska zahtevnost. Iz tega razloga bi splošni uporabnik iskal učinkovito in preprosto orodje, s pomočjo katerega bi lahko izvedel preverjanje kakovosti svojega nabora testov ter posledično javanskega programa. Pri izbiri najbolj primernega orodja je treba upoštevati svoje znanje in potrebe specifičnega primera uporabe. To vključuje izbiro, kaj želi testirati, kako vešč je z uporabo tovrstnih orodij in kaj ima na voljo z vidika računalniških virov. Ocenjevanje orodij je bil glavni izziv dela. V ta namen so bile izbrane želene lastnosti in podlastnosti oziroma kriteriji, ki jim mora orodje v določeni meri ustrezati, da se oceni kot dobro. Za to so bile za vsak kriterij določene Likertove lestvice, na podlagi katerih so bila orodja razvrščena. Vsako mesto na lestvici je dodalo uteženo število točk h končni oceni. Najboljša končna ocena pripada orodju, ki naj bi bilo za splošnega uporabnika najboljša izbira za mutacijsko testiranje. V primeru tega dela je to orodje PIT, ki je zaradi integracije v Eclipse IDE okolje najpreprostejše za namestitev in uporabo ter ima konkurenčno kakovost rezultatov.

Keywords:mutacijsko testiranje, orodja za mutacijsko testiranje, mutacijski operatorji, Java, μJava, Jumble, Major, PIT
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135048 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98328835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.02.2022
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Title:Comparison of tools for mutation testing of Java programs
This work addresses the issue of choosing the most appropriate tool for performing the mutation testing from the point of view of the common user. It considers statistics of time and computer resources consumption, as well as empirical data such as user-friendliness and the functionality of the tool. The problem with mutation testing is its time and computational complexity. For this reason, the common user would want an efficient and simple tool to perform a quality check of his test set and consequently the Java program. When choosing the most suitable tool, the actual user’s knowledge and specific needs must be considered. This includes the selection of what is to be tested, how skilled the user is in using similar tools, and what is at the user’s disposal in terms of computer resources. Evaluating selected tools was the main challenge of this work. For this purpose, a set of desired properties and sub-properties or criteria is defined, that the tool must to a certain extent adhere to be considered successful. A Likert scale is defined for every criterion and used to rank the tools. The weighted ranking marks are used to calculate the final score. The best final rating corresponds to a tool that offers the best choice for mutation testing to the general user. In the case of this work, it is PIT, which is the easiest to install and use, as it is integrated into the Eclipse IDE environment. It has a competitive quality of results, too.

Keywords:mutation testing, tools for mutation testing, mutation operators, Java, μJava, Jumble, Major, PIT

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