
Učni pripomoček za spoznavanje otrok z elektroniko, robotiko in programiranjem
ID BRKOPEC, MITJA (Author), ID Pirc, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Potreba po inženirjih je v današnjem času zelo velika, saj je elektrotehnika močno vpeta v vsakdanje življenje. Da se poveča zanimanje za tovrsten poklic, je potrebno otrokom dovolj zgodaj tekom šolanja in z zanimivim pristopom predstaviti različna področja elektrotehnike. V ta namen smo izdelali vezje, namenjeno osnovnošolskim otrokom, za spoznavanje osnov elektrotehnike preko učenja spajkanja in programiranja. Trg že ponuja določene rešitve, ki pa so običajno predrage, prezahtevne ali pa imajo precej omejeno funkcionalnost. Zasnovano vezje smo vključili v avtomobilček, ki ga krmilimo na računalniku preko Bluetooth povezave v programu Snap4Arduino. To nam omogoča mikrokrmilnik ESP32-WROOM-32, na katerega smo naložili program z dopolnjenim protokolom Firmata, ki vsebuje tako standardne kot visokonivojske ukaze za upravljanje z avtomobilčkom. Z dvema motorjema, ki ju lahko neodvisno krmilimo z dvojnim H-mostičem L293D, ločeno upravljamo z levim in desnim kolesom. To omogoča izvajanje različnih manevrov, kot so premik v levo, desno, naprej in nazaj. Poleg tega so možne različne dodatne funkcije, na primer uporaba svetlečih diod, ultrazvočnih senzorjev za zaznavanje oddaljenosti od ovir, fotouporov za zaznavanje svetlobe in foto-prekinjevalnikov za zaznavanje hitrosti vrtenja koles. V grafičnem programskem okolju Snap4Arduino smo pripravili tudi nekaj svojih blokov, ki omogočajo dodatno upravljanje avtomobilčka. Sestavili smo tudi nekaj osnovnih nalog, ki preko raznovrstnega upravljanja avtomobilčka vodijo učence skozi osnovne koncepte programiranja. Ravnanje z vezjem in izvedbo nalog smo preizkusili s pomočjo 14-letne učenke brez predznanja spajkanja in programiranja. Zanimalo nas je, koliko časa potrebuje za sestavo celotnega avtomobilčka. Izkazalo se je, da je za samo spajkanje avtomobilčka porabila več časa, kot smo predvidevali. Programi so ji bili na začetku preveč enostavni, vendar je bila na koncu navdušena nad nalogami in zadovoljna s končnim rezultatom.

Keywords:robotski avtomobilček, Arduino, DC motor, L293D, poučevanje, Snap4Arduino, ESP32
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134969 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:101323267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:A teaching aid for introducing children to electronics, robotics and programming
The need for electronic engineers is very high nowadays, as electronics can be found everywhere in everyday life. In order to increase the interest in this profession, it is necessary for children to be introduced to the field of electrical engineering early and with an interesting approach. For this purpose, we created a teaching aid designed for primary school children to learn the basics of electrical engineering through learning soldering and programming. The market already offers certain solutions, which are often too expensive, too demanding or have rather limited functionality. The teaching aid was designed as a toy car, which is controlled by a computer via a Bluetooth connection with the help of Snap4Arduino graphical programming environment. This is made possible by the ESP32-WROOM-32 microcontroller which contains an upgraded version of Firmata protocol, which contains both, standard and new high-level commands for driving a toy car. With two motors that can be independently controlled by the L293D dual H-bridge, the left and right wheels are operated separately. This allows the car to perform various manoeuvres, such as moving left, right, forward and backward. Furthermore, the functionality of the car can be expanded to include additional LEDs, ultrasonic sensors to detect distances from obstacles, photo-resistors to detect light and photo-interrupters to detect the speed of rotation of the wheels. For the Snap4Arduino graphics programming environment, some new blocks were prepared that allow easier control of the toy car. We have also put together some basic exercises that guide students through basic programming concepts via a variety of toy car control options. The suitability of the designed teaching aid for introducing children to the field of electronics was tested with the help of a 14-year-old student with no prior knowledge of soldering or programming. We wondered how long it would take to assemble the whole toy car. It turned out that she spent more time soldering the car than we expected. The programs were too simple for her at the beginning, but in the end she was enthusiastic about the tasks and happy with the end result.

Keywords:robotic toy car, Arduino, DC motor, L293D, teaching, Snap4Arduino, ESP32

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