
Grafični prikaz kakovosti algoritmov : magistrsko delo
ID Bariša, Delfina (Author), ID Dobravec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za večino življenjskih težav obstaja več možnih rešitev. Enako velja tudi v algoritmiki, saj za skoraj vsak problem obstaja več algoritmičnih rešitev. Na koncu izberemo tisto, ki ima najboljšo kakovost. Slednjo običajno ocenimo tako, da naredimo primerjavo rezultatov izvajanja različnih algoritmov. Ti rezultati načeloma vsebujejo ogromno količino podatkov, zato jih je velikokrat najenostavneje primerjati s pomočjo grafičnih prikazov. Na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko je bil izdelan sistem za avtomatsko evalvacijo algoritmov ALGator. Kot pove že samo ime, ta olajša in avtomatizira postopek ocenjevanja algoritmov. V njem lahko uporabnik enostavno in hitro pride do rezultatov izvajanja algoritmov. Za grafično primerjavo teh podatkov je obstoječi sistem omogočal le prikaz nekaterih preprostih grafikonov in tabel. Pojavile so se zahteve po novih prikazih, ki bi nudili podporo kompleksnejši analizi podatkov in tem zahtevam smo skušali zadostiti s pričujočo magistrsko nalogo. Najprej smo preučili dva najpogosteje uporabljena grafična prikaza, tabelo in grafikon. Podali smo splošen opis ter predstavili njune primere dobre prakse ter prilagoditve za osebe z omejitvami. Vsaka različica tabele in grafikona je primerna samo za določeno vrsto podatkov. Zato smo v delu pregledali podatke v algoritmiki, raziskali vse primerne vrste tabel in grafikonov ter prilagodili raziskane različice za prikaz kakovosti algoritmov. Med njimi smo izbrali najboljše in jih implementirali v sistemu ALGator. Na koncu dela smo predstavili sistem ALGator in orodja, ki so uporabljena pri implementaciji prikazov ter opisali implementirano.

Keywords:vizualizacija podatkov, vizualizacija podatkov v algoritmiki, grafični prikaz kakovosti algoritmov, sistem ALGator
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134943 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98446083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Graphical representation of the quality of algorithms
There are usually several possible solutions for most life problems. The same is true for algorithmics, as there are several algorithmic solutions for almost every problem. In the end, we choose the one that has the best quality. The latter is usually estimated by comparing the results of the execution of different algorithms. Usually, these results contain huge amounts of data, so it is often easiest to compare them with the help of graphical representations. A system for automatic evaluation of algorithms named ALGator was developed at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in Ljubljana. As the name suggests, it simplifies and automates the algorithm evaluation process. With it, the user can easily and quickly get the results from the execution of algorithms. To graphically compare this data, the existing system only allowed the display of some simple graphs and tables. There was a demand for new displays that would support more complex data analysis, and we tried to meet these demands with this master's thesis. We first examined the two most commonly used graphical representations, the table and the graph. We gave a general description and presented their examples of good practice and their adaptations for people with limitations. Each version of the table and chart is only suitable for a specific type of data. Therefore, in the thesis we reviewed the data in algorithmics, researched all suitable types of tables and graphs, and adapted the researched versions for representations of the quality of algorithms. We chose the best among them and implemented them in the ALGator system. At the end of the thesis, we presented the ALGator system and the tools used in the implementation of graphical representations and described the implementations.

Keywords:Data visualization, Graphical representation of the quality of algorithms, ALGator system

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