
Razvoj in vrednotenje liotropnih tekočih kristalov na osnovi konopljinega ali lanenega olja
ID Hrvatič, Nina (Author), ID Gosenca Matjaž, Mirjam (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vitek, Mercedes (Comentor)

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Atopijski dermatitis je kronična, nenalezljiva vnetna bolezen kože, ki jo spremljajo srbečica in ponavljajoče ekcematozne lezije. Za bolnike je pomembna redna in pravilna nega kože, ključnega pomena pa je ustrezno zdravljenje, usmerjeno v obvladovanje in preprečevanje vnetja in srbenja. Prvo izbiro v okviru lokalnega zdravljenja atopijskega dermatitisa predstavljajo lokalni kortikosteroidi, vgrajeni v klasične farmacevtske oblike kot so kreme in mazila. Z raziskovalnim delom smo želeli doprinesti k izboljšanemu zdravljenju atopijskega dermatitisa z vgradnjo betametazondipropionata v sodobne dostavne sisteme, in sicer liotropne tekoče kristale. Slednji so izredno ugodni za dermalen nanos zaradi svoje specifične mikrostrukture. Obenem je bil ključnega pomena tudi izbor pomožnih snovi, pri čemer smo kot oljno fazo izbrali laneno ali konopljino olje zaradi visoke vsebnosti esencialnih maščobnih kislin s protivnetnim delovanjem, kar je ugodno za atopično kožo, emulgatorska faza je bila sestavljena iz biokompatibilnih površinsko aktivnih snovi, ki spodbujajo nastanek liotropnih tekočih kristalov, in sicer iz lecitina v kombinaciji s Tween 80 ali Montanov 68, hidrofilno fazo pa je predstavljala voda. V okviru eksperimentalnega dela smo z izdelavo (psevdo)trikomponentnih diagramov na podlagi organoleptičnih lastnosti opredelili področja nastanka tekočih kristalov za štiri različne kombinacije oljne faze in zmesi površinsko aktivnih snovi. Za nadaljnje vrednotenje smo izbrali vzorce na razredčitveni premici (tj. pri različnih deležih vode) s konstantnim razmerjem površinsko aktivnih snovi in olja 6/4 in jih z in brez vgrajenega betametazondiproprionata ovrednotili s polarizacijsko mikroskopijo. Za vzorce s Tween 80 smo po celotni razredčitveni premici potrdili nastanek lamelarnih tekočih kristalov, medtem ko smo pri Montanov 68 nastanek lamelarnih mezofaz potrdili zgolj pri določenih vzorcih v odvisnosti od deleža vodne faze. Oljna faza in tudi vgradnja zdravilne učinkovine ni vplivala na nastanek lamelarnih tekočih kristalov. V okviru nadaljnje reološke analize pa smo ugotovili, da se vgradnja zdravilne učinkovine odraža v spremenjenih vrednosti viskoznosti in dinamičnih modulov v primeru vzorcev s Tween 80, v vzorcih z Montanov 68 pa ni prišlo do bistvenih sprememb. Vrednotenje mikrostrukture smo izvedli pri sobni temperaturi (25 °C), pri temperaturi kože (32 °C) in telesni temperaturi (37 °C), pri čemer smo s polarizacijsko mikroskopijo potrdili, da se mikrostruktura ohranja tudi pri višjih temperaturah, medtem ko smo v primeru določenih vzorcev zaznali temperaturno odvisne spremembe viskoznosti. Zaključili smo, da so novo razviti liotropni tekoči kristali primerni za vgradnjo betametazondiproprionata in predstavljajo obetaven dostavni sistem za zdravljenje atopijskega dermatitisa.

Keywords:atopijski dermatitis, liotropni tekoči kristali, laneno olje, konopljino olje, betametazondiproprionat
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134870 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Development and characterization of hempseed or flaxseed oil-based lyotropic liquid crystals
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, non-infectious inflammatory skin disease accompanied by itching and recurrent eczematous lesions. Treatment is aimed at controlling and preventing inflammation and itching of the skin, also, regular, and proper skin care is of key importance. The first choice for the local treatment of atopic dermatitis are corticosteroids incorporated into classic pharmaceutical dosage forms such as creams and ointments. Therefore, the objective of our study was to contribute to the improved treatment of atopic dermatitis by incorporating betamethasone dipropionate into modern delivery systems, namely lyotropic liquid crystals. The latter are extremely favorable for dermal application due to their specific microstructure. In addition, the choice of excipients was crucial, with flaxseed or hemp oil being chosen as the oil phase due to its high content of essential fatty acids with anti-inflammatory action being beneficial for atopic skin, while the emulsifier phase consisted of biocompatible surfactants that promote the formation of lyotropic liquid crystals, namely lecithin in combination with Tween 80 or Montanov 68. Water was chosen as the hydrophilic phase. Within the experimental work, the areas of liquid crystal were determined based on organoleptical evaluation for four different combinations of oil phase and mixtures of surfactants by (pseudo)ternary phase diagrams construction. Selected samples (with and without incorporated betamethasone diproprionate) on the dilution line (i.e., at different water proportions) with a constant ratio of surfactants and oil phase 6/4 were used for further microstructure evaluation by polarization microscopy. For samples with Tween 80, the formation of lamellar liquid crystals was confirmed along the entire dilution line, while for Montanov 68 the formation of lamellar mesophases was confirmed only for specific samples depending on the proportions of the aqueous phase. The oil phase as well as the incorporation of the active substance did not affect the formation of lamellar liquid crystals. In the framework of further rheological analysis, we found that the incorporation of the active substance is reflected in the changed values of viscosity and dynamic modules in the case of samples with Tween 80. However, there were no significant changes in the samples with Montanov 68. Evaluation of the microstructure was performed at room temperature (25 °C), skin temperature (32 °C) and body temperature (37 °C), and the microstructure was maintained even at higher temperatures as confirmed by polarization, while temperature-dependent changes in viscosity were detected in case of certain samples. To conclude, the newly developed lyotropic liquid crystals are suitable for the incorporation of betamethasone diproprionate and represent a promising drug delivery system for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Keywords:atopic dermatitis, lyotropic liquid crystals, betamethasone diproprionate, flaxseed oil, hempseed oil

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