
Profiliranje O-glikanov pri proučevanju biološko podobnih zdravil
ID Škrjanc, Veronika (Author), ID Pompe, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je bil izvesti literaturni pregled profiliranja O-glikanov v biološko podobnih zdravilih. Glikani predstavljajo enega izmed ključnih elementov pri načrtovanju novih bioloških zdravil in cepiv z uporabo protiteles in so zato pomemben del farmacevtske industrije. Velik problem pri določevanju O-glikanov je pomanjkanje analitičnih orodij za selektivno sprostitev O-glikanov. Odkritje univerzalne O-glikozidaze ali zanesljive metode sprostitve O-vezanih oligosaharidov bi imelo veliko prednosti. Trenutno je najpogostejša kemijska sprostitev O-glikanov pod alkalnimi pogoji, ki daje zadovoljive rezultate, vendar metoda ni selektivna, saj se pri tem odcepijo tudi N-vezani glikani. Sproščene O-glikane lahko označimo, derivatiziramo ali analiziramo z metodami HPLC, MS ali LC – MS, O-glikopeptide pa z metodo MS ali LC – MS, ki pa nam še vedno predstavlja velik tehnološki izziv. Dobro poznavanje glikanov in njihova analiza sta ključnega pomena za zdravstvo pa tudi za farmacevtsko industrijo za namene razvoja in zagotavljanja kakovosti ter varnosti novih zdravil.

Keywords:O-glikani, biološko podobna zdravila, profiliranje, MS
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134853 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98028547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:O-glycan profiling in the study of biologically similar drugs
The aim of the diploma thesis is a literature review of O-glycan profiling in biosimilars. Glycans represent one of the main elements in planning new biosimilars and vaccines using antibodies, that is why they play an important role in the pharmaceutical industry. The shortage of analytical tools for selective release of O-glycans represents a big problem in Glycan profiling. The discovery of an universal O-glycosidase or a reliable method for the release of O-attached oligosaccharides would have a lot of advantages. Currently, the most common method is the chemical release of O-glycans under alkaline conditions, which gives satisfactory results, but the method itself is not selective, as N-bound glycans are also released. The released O-glycans can be tagged, derivatized or analysed with HPLC, MS or LC-MS methods and the O-glycopeptides can be analysed with MS or LC-MS methods, but these still represent a technological challange for us. Good knowledge about glycans and their analysis are crucial for both healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry, in order to develop and ensure the quality and safety of new drugs.

Keywords:O-glycans, biosimilars, profiling, MS

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