
Vpliv epidemije covida-19 na vlogo socialne delavke v Pegazovem domu : magistrsko delo
ID Mrkša, Manca (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala vpliv epidemije covida-19 na vlogo socialne delavke v Pegazovem domu. V teoretskem uvodu sem najprej govorila o institucionalni oskrbi starih ljudi. Opredelila sem vloge socialnih delavcev v domovih za stare in nato podrobno predstavila vsako izmed njih. Na koncu sem se osredotočila na temo socialnega dela in epidemije covida-19 ter opisala posledice epidemije covida-19 v domovih za stare ljudi. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi izvedenih intervjujev s socialno delavko, zaposlenimi in stanovalci ugotavljala, kako je covid-19 vplival na potek delovnega dne socialne delavke, kako je covid-19 vplival na potrebo po vlogi socialne delavke kot mediatorja, kako je vplival na socialno delo s stanovalci in njihovimi sorodniki, na sodelovanje socialne delavke v domskem timu, kako se je spremenila vloga socialne delavke kot zagovornice ter kako je covid-19 spodbudil socialno delavko k oblikovanju inovacij. V razpravi sem pridobljene podatke različnih intervjuvancev strnila ter primerjala in ugotovila, da je epidemija vplivala na vse vloge socialne delavke v Pegazovem domu. Pri svojem delu je morala nekatere naloge opustiti, pojavile pa so se tudi nove naloge, ki jih pred pojavom epidemije ni bilo. Epidemija je močno vplivala na socialno delo s stanovalci in njihovimi sorodniki, saj je socialna delavka izvajala dodatno psihosocialno pomoč, skrbela za ohranjanje stikov s socialno mrežo ter bila posrednik med stanovalci, zaposlenimi in sorodniki. Epidemija je socialno delavko zmerno spodbudila k oblikovanju inovacij, predvsem na prej omenjenem področju komunikacije med stanovalci in sorodniki. Potreba po vlogi socialne delavke kot mediatorja se je v času epidemije povečala zaradi dodatnih konfliktov, ki jih je povzročilo nerazumevanje bolezni in sprejetih ukrepov tako pri zaposlenih, sorodnikih kot stanovalcih. Hkrati se je socialna delavka pogosteje pojavljala v vlogi zagovornice. Sodelovanja socialne delavke v domskem timu je bilo na nekaterih področjih manj in na drugih področjih veliko več kot v preteklosti. Na podlagi sklepov sem v zaključnem delu naloge podala predloge za praktične spremembe v Pegazovem domu in vseh ostalih slovenskih domovih za stare, predloge za oblikovanje novih teorij in smernic ter za nadaljnjo raziskovanje.

Keywords:institucionalno varstvo, zagovorništvo, mediator, socialno delo, delovni tim, inovacije, epidemija, covid-19
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Mrkša]
Number of pages:237 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134615 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:96999427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The Impact of covid-19 epidemic on the Role of Social Worker in Pegazov dom
Master's thesis researches the impact of covid-19 epidemic on the role of social worker in Pegazov dom. In the theoretical introduction, I first talked about the institutional care of the older people. I defined the roles of social workers in homes for older people and then presented each of them in detail. Finally, I focused on the topic of social work and the covid-19 epidemic and described the consequences of the covid-19 epidemic in homes for older people. Based on the empirical research, conducted with interviews with a social worker, employees and residents, I tried to establish how covid-19 affected the structure of social workers work day , how covid-19 affected the need for the role of social worker as a mediator, how it affected social work with residents and their relatives, participation of a social worker in interdisciplinary team, how has the role of social workers as advocates changed and how has covid-19 encouraged social worker to create innovations. In the discussion, I synthesized and compared the data obtained from various interviewees and found that the epidemic affected all the roles of social worker in Pegazov dom. Social worker did not only have to give up some work tasks, but also new tasks emerged that did not exist before the outbreak. The epidemic had a strong impact on social work with residents and their relatives, as the social worker provided additional psychosocial support, took care of maintaining contacts with the residents social network and was a connection between residents, employees and relatives. The epidemic provided moderate encouragement for social worker to create innovations, as they were mostly initiated in the aforementioned area of communication between residents and relatives. The need for the role of social worker as a mediator, increased during the epidemic due to additional conflicts, led by lack of understanding of the disease and measures taken, both among employees, relatives and residents. At the same time, the social worker appeared in the role of advocate more often. The participation of the social worker in the interdisciplinary team was smaller in some areas and larger in other areas than in the past. In the final part of the thesis, on the basis of the conclusions, I presented proposals for practical changes in Pegazov dom and all other Slovenian homes for older people, suggestions for the development of new theories and guidelines and recommendations for further research.

Keywords:institutional care, advocacy, mediator, social work, teamwork, innovations, epidemic, covid-19 epidemic

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