
Integracija kolaborativnega robota s CNC rezkalnim strojem
ID Porenta, Klemen (Author), ID Vrabič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predstavljen je primer integracije CNC rezkalnega stroja in kolaborativnega robota, kjer robot opravlja funkcijo strege stroja. Namen našega dela je izboljšati produktivnost in prenos monotonih del iz operatejev na robota. Opravili smo potrebne spremembe v G kodi za obdelavo več kosov naenkrat. Na stroju smo uporabili pnevmatski primež, ki ga lahko nadzorujemo preko krmilne enote robota. Izbrali smo primeren primež za robotsko roko ter izkoristili robotsko kamero za identificiranje in pobiranje surovcev. Spoznali smo se z programskim okoljem robota in njegovim programiranje ter prepoznali modifikacije, ki so potrebne na stroju. Izvedba integracije ni bila popolna, saj smo signale o zagonu in koncu obdelave še ročno posredovali robotu, ker stroj ni imel primerne povezave za samodejno komunikacijo.

Keywords:kolaborativni roboti, CNC rezkalni stroji, avtomatizacija, programiranje, vpenjanje
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Porenta]
Number of pages:XIV, 25 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134590 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:94698755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of a collaborative robot with a CNC milling machine
An example of the integration of a CNC milling machine and a collaborative robot is presented, where the robot performs the function of serving the machine. The purpose of our work is to improve productivity and transfer monotonous work from operators to robots. We made the necessary changes to the G code to process multiple pieces at once. We used a pneumatic clamp on the machine, which can be controlled via the robot control unit. We selected a suitable clamp for the robotic arm and used a robotic camera to identify and collect the blanks. We got acquainted with the software environment of the robot and its programming, and identified the modifications needed on the machine. The implementation of the integration was not complete, as the signals about the start and end of processing were manually transmitted to the robot, because the machine did not have a suitable connection for automatic communication.

Keywords:collaborative robots, CNC milling machines, automation, programing, clamping

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