
Intergeneracijski vzorci nasilja : diplomsko delo
ID Beganović, Azra (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu bom ugotavljala, kako je izkušnja nasilja v primarni družini povezana s pogledom na nasilje v odrasli dobi in kako se prenašajo vzorci nasilja iz generacije v generacijo zaradi opazovanja ali doživljanja nasilja kot žrtev. Ideja za temo se je pojavila po branju biografij in avtobiografij oseb, ki so preživele izkušnje nasilja. Človek se danes srečuje z nasiljem na vseh področjih svojega življenja, še posebej pa se z nasiljem srečujejo socialni delavci, ki so usmerjeni v delo z ljudmi. Pri svojem delu se socialni delavci srečujejo s številnimi primeri nasilja in posledicami, ki jih je nasilje pustilo na posamezniku ali njegovi družini. Ni pomembno, v kateri obliki se nasilje pojavi, lahko je fizično, psihično, spolno, ekonomsko, vsako nasilje prinaša bolečine in hude posledice za posameznika, ki je imel izkušnjo z njim. Nasilje se odraža v vsaki sferi človekovega življenja, tudi v najbolj zasebni sferi, v družini. Nasilje v družini se pojavlja v vseh družbenih slojih, ne glede na starost, spol, etično ali versko pripadnost, izobrazbo ali druge okoliščine. Socialni delavci se redno srečujejo z osebami, ki so doživele nasilje, pa tudi z osebami, ki nasilje izvajajo. V prvem delu diplomskega dela bom najprej opisala tematiko nasilja, vrste nasilja in psihološki profil nasilneža, družino, nasilje v družini in njegove posledice. Omenila bom tudi kriminalistične teorije nasilja in podrobneje opisala teorijo socialnega učenja. Naslednje poglavje bo govorilo o formiranju identitete in vzgoji ter o agresivnosti in teoriji navezanosti. Sledili bosta poglavji o intergeneracijskem prenosu nasilja in poglavji o travmi ter socialnem delu z družinami z izkušnjami nasilja. V drugem delu se bom posvetila predstavitvi kvalitativne raziskave, v kateri sem raziskovala prenos nasilja iz generacije v generacijo kot žrtev ali kot opazovalec in določene dejavnike, ki so ta prenos preprečili ali pospešili. Nazadnje bom predstavila ugotovitve raziskave v tabeli rezultatov in jih v razpravi povezala s prebrano teorijo in podatki, ki sem jih dobila v raziskavi. Na koncu bom napisala sklep z ugotovitvami raziskave. O nasilju se danes govori vse več, tako v družbi kot tudi v strokah, ki pomagajo ljudem. K delu z ljudmi z izkušnjo nasilja moramo pristopati brez predsodkov in obsojanja, pomembno je etiološko razumevanje vzrokov izvajanja nasilja ali trpljenja, zato želim v diplomskem delu poiskati odgovore, ki bi lahko prispevali k boljšemu razumevanju problematike nasilja pri osebah, ki so bile v svojem otroštvu deležne nasilja.

Keywords:nasilje, družine, medgeneracijski prenos nasilja, vzorci, socialno delo z družino
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Beganović]
Number of pages:66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134453 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98497795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Intergenerational patterns of violence
In my thesis, I will explore how the experience of violence in the primary family is related to the view of violence in adulthood and how patterns of violence are transmitted from one generation to the next as a result of observing or experiencing violence as a victim. The idea for the topic emerged after reading biographies and autobiographies of survivors of violence. Today, people are confronted with violence in all areas of their lives, but especially social workers, who are oriented towards working with people, are confronted with violence. In their work, social workers are confronted with many cases of violence and the effects that violence has had on the individual or his or her family. No matter what form the violence takes, it can be physical, psychological, sexual, economic, any form of violence brings pain and severe consequences for the individual who has experienced it. Violence is present in every sphere of human life, including the most private sphere, the family. Domestic violence occurs in all social strata, regardless of age, gender, ethnic or religious affiliation, education or other circumstances. Social workers regularly meet with people who have experienced violence, as well as with those who perpetrate it. In the first part of my thesis I will first describe the topic of violence, the types of violence and the psychological profile of the perpetrator, the family, domestic violence and its consequences. I will also mention the criminological theories of violence and describe in more detail the social learning theory. The next chapter will deal with identity formation and education, as well as aggression and attachment theory. This will be followed by chapters on the intergenerational transmission of violence and chapters on trauma and social work with families with experiences of violence. In the second part, I will present a qualitative research study in which I explored the intergenerational transmission of violence, either as a victim or as an observer, and the specific factors that prevented or accelerated this transmission. Finally, I will present the findings of the research in a table of results and relate them in the discussion to the theory I have read and the data I have obtained in the research. Finally, I will write a conclusion with the findings of the research. Violence is being talked about more and more today, both in society and in the professions that help people. We need to approach our work with people who have experienced violence without prejudice and judgement, and it is important to have an aetiological understanding of the causes of violence or suffering, so in my thesis I want to find answers that could contribute to a better understanding of the problem of violence in people who have experienced violence in their childhood.

Keywords:violence, families, intergenerational transmission of violence, patterns, social work with families

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