
Uveljavljanje pravice do znižanega plačila vrtca : diplomsko delo
ID Sabo Gerenčer, Monika (Author), ID Sever, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uveljavljanje pravice do znižanega plačila vrtca je postopek, ki staršem omogoča finančno razbremenitev ob vpisu otrok v program predšolske vzgoje. Pri tem morajo upoštevati določena navodila, pristojni organi pa so zadolženi za preverjanje resničnosti vlog. Namen diplomskega dela je opisati postopek uveljavljanja pravice do znižanega plačila vrtca in opredeliti možne težave, ki se lahko pojavijo. Z raziskovalnimi vprašanji sem preverila, kako podrobno je urejen postopek, na kakšen način pristojni organi ugotavljajo materialni položaj vlagateljev in kakšne so razlike med postopkom v Sloveniji in Avstriji. Za odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja sem uporabila deskriptivno metodo, s katero sem opisala splošne pojme. Z metodo intervjuja pa sem poizvedela, kako jasen je postopek vlagateljem in kaj vse morajo pri izdaji odločbe natančno upoštevati. Uporabila sem tudi komparativno metodo, s katero sem primerjala sistema med Avstrijo in Slovenijo. Ugotovila sem, da o pravici do znižanega plačila vrtca odloča pristojni center za socialno delo, upravičenost pa je odvisna od materialnega položaja vlagatelja in oseb, s katerimi živi. Podatke pristojni organi pridobijo iz določenih virov podatkov davčnega organa (npr. odločba o odmeri dohodnine). Staršem je postopek večinoma jasen, saj imajo na voljo informacije tudi preko spleta. Težave se lahko pojavijo le pri nepopolno izpolnjenih vlogah in posledičnega podaljšanja postopka. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da morajo v Sloveniji starši plačati določeni odstotek cene programa glede na ugotovljene dohodke, v Avstriji pa je predšolska vzgoja brezplačna in obvezna za otroke v letu pred vstopom v osnovno šolo. Diplomsko delo bo koristno za nadaljnje raziskave na tem področju, saj predšolska vzgoja predstavlja pomemben del izobraževanja. Država bi morala poskrbeti, da je dostopna vsem otrokom. Prav tako bi bilo smiselno uvesti enoten način pridobitve podatkov o dohodkih vlagateljev ne glede na kraj bivanja. V Sloveniji pa bi bilo potrebno poiskati primeren način, s katerim bi razbremenili strošek za starše in s tem povečali vpis otrok v programe predšolske vzgoje.

Keywords:znižano plačilo vrtca, pristojni organ, premoženje, predšolska vzgoja, odstotek cene programa, dohodki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Sabo Gerenčer]
Number of pages:VIII, 40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134416 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:93949187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Exercising the right to a reduced kindergarten payment
Exercising the right to a reduced kindergarten payment is a procedure that enables parent’s financial relief upon enrolment of their children in the preschool educational program. They have to follow specific guidelines and the competent authorities are in charge of the applications' verification. The purpose of this thesis was to describe the procedure of exercising the right to a reduced kindergarten payment and define possible problems that individuals might encounter. With research questions, I wanted to find out how precisely the procedure is described, how the competent authorities determine the parent's material position and the differences in the procedures between Slovenia and Austria. I used the descriptive method, with which I described general concepts. In the interview, I found out how comprehensible the procedure is for the applicants. In addition, I discovered which problems most likely occur in the process of determining parents' assets. I also used the comparative method to differentiate the systems between Austria and Slovenia. I found out that the Centre for Social Work is the one that decides the right to a reduced kindergarten payment. Eligibility, however, depends on the material situation of the applicants and the people with whom they live. The official body acquires the data from specific resources of the tax authorities. The parents mostly understand the procedure as they have information on the website. The problems can occur in incompleted applications and the consequent extension of the process. The research also showed that parents in Slovenia have to pay a certain percentage of the total program fee according to their regular income. Whilst in Austria, preschool education is free and obligatory for children in the year before entering school. The thesis will benefit further research in this area because preschool education represents an essential part of education. It would also make sense to introduce a uniform way of obtaining data on investors' income regardless of their place of residence. The country itself should make preschool available for all children. In Slovenia, they should find an appropriate way to ease the financial burden of the parents and increase the enrolment of children in the programs of preschool education.

Keywords:reduced kindergarten payment, competent authority, assets, preschool education, percentage of the program price, income

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