
Uporaba večkriterijskega odločanja pri izbiri storitev v oblaku : diplomsko delo
ID Banko, Žan (Author), ID Škulj, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Računalništvo v oblaku predstavlja paradigmo za porazdeljeno računalništvo v velikem obsegu, ki uporablja obstoječe tehnologije, kot so virtualizacija, usmerjenost v storitve in omrežno računalništvo. Oblak lahko razumemo tudi kot metaforo, ki opisuje splet kot prostor, v katerem se računalniška obdelava podatkov ponuja kot storitev. Znotraj tega prostora se nahajajo podatki, operacijski sistemi, aplikacije ter shramba in moč procesiranja, pripravljeni za skupno rabo prek spleta. Uspeh računalništva v oblaku je privedel do znatnega povečanja števila ponudnikov, ki ponujajo številne in raznolike storitve v oblaku. Izbira ponudnika tako postane strateška odločitev, ki ima lahko neposreden vpliv na splošno uspešnost celotnega podjetja. Jedro tega dela je izbira ustreznega ponudnika storitev v oblaku na podlagi preferenc podjetij. Na podlagi prebrane literature je osnovan hipotetičen odločitveni problem izbire ponudnika. Nato je s programom Saaty prikazana uporaba metode AHP pri relevantnih odločitvenih problemih. V zaključku so prikazani test modela odločitvenega problema, rezultati empiričnega dela in podane končne ugotovitve.

Keywords:računalništvo v oblaku, AHP, storitve v oblaku, večkriterijsko odločanje, program Saaty.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Banko]
Number of pages:57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134326 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:92460547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Cloud service provider selection using multi-criteria decision making
Cloud computing is a paradigm of distributed computing, using established technologies such as virtualization, service-orientation, and shared computing to tackle the scale of modern applications. The »cloud« can be understood as a metaphor, comparing the web to a space that offers computing as a service. Such a space includes data, operating systems, applications, data storage and processing power, ready to be deployed to the web. The success of cloud computing led to a considerable increase of providers, offering numerous and diverse solutions. Provider selection thus has a strategic importance, affecting the success of the client's entire company. This work forcuses on cloud provider selection on the basis of the client's preferences. Our literature review will lead to the formation of a hypothetical decision model for provider selection. We will then show the applicability of the AHP method to this decision problem, using the computer program »Saaty«. In conclusion, we will state the empirical results, perform a test of the decision model and finally draw our conclusions.

Keywords:cloud computing, AHP, cloud services, multi-criteria decision making, Saaty program

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