
Celuloidni strop – poklicna segregacija po spolu na primeru filmske industrije : poklicna segregacija po spolu na primeru filmske industrije
ID Robek, Barbara (Author), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu proučujem poklicno segregacijo po spolu na primeru filmske industrije. Medtem ko se vzorci globoko zakoreninjene neenakosti med spoloma pojavljajo v celotni plačani delovni sili, je filmska industrija še posebej kompleksen in zahteven primer poklicne segregacije. Moč, ki jo imajo mediji (sploh filmi in televizija) pri oblikovanju percepcije o spolu, vključno s tem, kako ženske in moški izgledajo, razmišljajo in se obnašajo, ni zanemarljiva. Upodobitve vlog spolov v filmih vplivajo že na otroke na vseh stopnjah njihovega razvoja, od vrtca do srednje šole in naprej. Namen je v diplomskem delu predstaviti širši kontekst žensk na trgu dela in se pri tem osredotočiti predvsem na spolno diskriminacijo v filmski industriji, saj je uravnotežena zastopanost spolov pri ustvarjanju filmov pomembna ravno zaradi velikega učinka, ki ga ima filmska industrija na družbene norme in vrednote. Zmanjšanje diskriminacije v filmski industriji zato ni zgolj v interesu filmske umetnosti same, ampak tudi v skupnem družbenem interesu.

Keywords:ženske, filmska industrija, diskriminacija, ženske v filmih, stekleni strop
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Robek]
Number of pages:40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134323 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:93018371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Celluloid ceiling - occupational segregation by gender, in the case of the film industry : diplomsko delo
In my dissertation I will study occupational segregation by gender in the case of the film industry. While patterns of deep-rooted gender inequality can be seen throughout the paid workforce, the film industry is a particularly complex and demanding example of occupational segregation. The power that the media (films and television in general) have in shaping perceptions of gender, including how women and men look, think and behave, is not small. Depictions of gender roles in films affect children at all stages of their development, from kindergarten all the way to high school and beyond. In this thesis, my goal is to present the broader context of women in the labor market, focusing primarily on gender discrimination in the film industry, as gender equiality in filmmaking itself is important precisely because of the great impact that the film industry has on social norms. and values. Reducing inequality in the film industry is thus not only in the interest of the art of film itself, but also in the common social interest.

Keywords:women, film industry, discrimination, women in movies, the glass ceiling

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