
Mednarodna pristojnost ter priznanje in izvršitev tujih odločb v preživninskih zadevah
ID Kotar Javornik, Špela (Author), ID Kramberger Škerl, Jerca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Preživninske zadeve največkrat izvirajo iz tesno povezanih skupnosti, do sodnega uveljavljanja preživnine pa navadno pride šele takrat, ko omenjene skupnosti razpadejo. To preživninskega upravičenca že samo po sebi postavlja v neugodno situacijo. Ko se sooči s pravnimi predpisi, dokazovanjem svoje upravičenosti in s tem povezanimi stroški, pa se njegov položaj le še poslabša. Navedeno pride v največji meri do izraza takrat, ko ima preživninski zavezanec stalno oziroma običajno prebivališče v tuji državi, kar celoten postopek še dodatno zaplete in podaljša. V takšnih situacijah je pomembno, da imamo pravno ureditev, ki preživninskega upravičenca kot šibkejšo stranko varuje in mu omogoča hitro uveljavitev pravice, od katere je odvisna njegova eksistenca. Namen magistrskega diplomskega dela je prikazati, kako se je problema določanja mednarodne pristojnosti ter vprašanja priznanja in izvršitve tujih odločb v preživninskih zadevah lotila Evropska unija, ki je preživninske zadeve izločila iz uredbe Bruselj I kot splošne uredbe, ki je določala pravila o mednarodni pristojnosti, priznanju in izvršitvi tujih odločb za celotno področje civilnih in gospodarskih zadev. Preživninskemu upravičencu je priznala položaj šibkejše stranke in temu primerno v Preživninski uredbi na novo določila pravila glede mednarodne pristojnosti ter priznanja in izvršitve tujih sodnih odločb v preživninskih zadevah, ki izhajajo iz družinskih razmerij, zakonske zveze, starševstva in svaštva. Predstavljena so pravila za razrešitev mednarodnozasebnopravnih vprašanj, ki jih pozna slovenska zakonodaja, ter pravila, ki jih je vsebovala uredba Bruselj I, hkrati pa je opravljena primerjava s Preživninsko uredbo, iz katere izhajajo njene prednosti oziroma izboljšave. Kratko se magistrsko diplomsko delo dotakne tudi mednarodnozasebnopravnih vprašanj v preživninskih zadevah, katerih podlaga je pogodbene oziroma deliktne narave.

Keywords:preživninska razmerja, preživljanje, preživninski upravičenec, preživninski zavezanec, uredba Bruselj I, Preživninska uredba, mednarodna pristojnost, priznanje in izvršitev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134154 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:92916227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:International jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in matters concerning maintenance
Maintenance obligations most often originate from closely related unions and the court intervention usually occurs only when those unions fall apart. This in itself puts the maintenance creditor in an unfavourable situation. When the latter is confronted with legal regulations, proof of eligibility and related costs, this only worsens their situation. If the maintenance debtor has a permanent or habitual residence in a foreign country, this further complicates and prolongs the entire procedure. In such situations, it is important to have a legal framework, which protects the maintenance creditor as a weaker party and allows them to quickly exercise the right of which their existence depends. The purpose of the master's thesis is to show how the problem of determining jurisdiction and the question of recognition and enforcement in maintenance obligations was addressed by the European Union, which excluded maintenance matters from the Brussels I Regulation as a general regulation laying down the rules on international jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions in the field of civil and commercial matters. The EU acknowledged the status of a weaker party to the maintenance creditor and accordingly refined in the Maintenance regulation the rules on international jurisdiction, as well as on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in maintenance matters arising from family relationships, marriage, parenthood and family by marriage. The rules for resolving cross-border legal issues in Slovenian legislation and the rules contained in the Brussels I Regulation are presented. Furthermore, a comparison is made with the Maintenance Regulation, from which we can see its improvements. Briefly, the master's thesis also touches upon the issue of jurisdiction over maintenance obligations originating from contractual and tort relationships.

Keywords:maintenance relationships, maintenance, maintenance creditor, maintenance debtor, Brussels I Regulation, Maintenance Regulation, international jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement

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