
Mnenja vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev o ilustracijah v slovenskih slikanicah
ID Janežič, Renata (Author), ID Podobnik, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Likovna pripoved ilustratorja pomembno vpliva na to, kako bomo razumeli slikanico kot celoto. Ilustracija se tesno povezuje z besedilom, zato je zelo pomembna. Komponenti skupaj vplivata tudi na izgled slikanice (Haramija, Batič, 2013). V diplomskem delu z naslovom Mnenja vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev o ilustracijah v slovenskih slikanicah sem v teoretičnem delu predstavila značilnosti (kakovostne) (slovenske) slikanice in njene zgradbe. Povzela sem različne zapise strokovnjakov na tem področju in različne vidike, ki sestavljajo kakovostno slikanico ter ilustracijo. Podrobneje sem se osredotočila na ilustracijo, ker pa je ta sestavni del slikanice in se povezuje z njenim besedilom in drugimi sestavinami, tudi slikanice kot take nisem mogla izločiti. Ilustracije (in slikanice) so pomembne tudi v vrtcu. Predstavila sem, kako delujejo na otroke, kaj jim sporočajo, kako se otroci odzivajo nanje, kaj na njih opazijo ... Pri tem imajo pomembno vlogo vzgojitelji, zato sem predstavila tudi vlogo vzgojitelja kot posrednika med otrokom in slikanico. V teoretičnem delu sem s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika raziskala, kako na kakovostne slovenske slikanice (nagrajene z nagrado Zlata hruška) gledajo vzgojitelji in vzgojiteljice iz vrtcev po vsej Sloveniji ter na kakšen način jih uporabljajo pri svojem delu. Ugotovila sem, da so vzgojitelji v večini naklonjeni slovenskim slikanicam in da jih pri svojem delu uporabljajo pogosto (na različne načine in skozi različne dele dnevne rutine v vrtcu).

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134118 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:90625283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.12.2021
JANEŽIČ, Renata, 2021, Mnenja vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev o ilustracijah v slovenskih slikanicah [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Opinions of preschool teachers on illustrations in Slovenian picture books
An illustrator's narration through pictures has a significant impact on the perception of a picture book as a whole. Illustrations are closely connected with text, which is why they are extremely important. Both components affect the overall aspect of a picture book (Haramija, Batič, 2013). In the theoretical part of this paper, titled Views of Kindergarten Teachers on Illustrations in Slovene Picture Books, I presented characteristics of (quality Slovene) picture books and their structure. I summarized findings of different authors in this field and diverse perspectives that form a quality picture book and illustration. In more detail, I focused on illustration; since illustrations are an integral part of a picture book and are connected with its text and other components, picture books were also addressed. Illustrations (and picture books) are important in the kindergarten. I presented their effect on children, what messages they convey, how children react to them, what they notice on them, etc. In this process, kindergarten teachers assume a very important role, which is why I also presented the role of a kindergarten teacher as an intermediary between a child and a picture book. In the theoretical part, I carried out a survey to examine how kindergarten teachers from Slovene kindergartens perceive quality picture books (awarded with the Golden Pear award) and how they use them in their work. I determined that kindergarten teachers are mostly inclined to use Slovene picture books and that they often use them in their work (in different ways and during different parts of a daily routine in the kindergarten).

Keywords:picture book

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