
Spomin reke in njeni obrazi / Spomin reke in njeni obrazi
ID Šuster, Eva (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kapus, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sam naslov magistrske naloge napeljuje na pojem, ki je v njej vodilen, tj. spomin: »Spomin reke in njeni obrazi«. Povedano drugače – gre za spomin mojega življenja, obrazov, ki so se zapisali vanj; s svojimi vstopi in izstopi, s sledmi, ki so jih neizbrisljivo pustili za sabo, v meni, mojem domačem prostoru, in me vseskozi nagovarjajo na zavestni in podzavestni ravni. Osredotočim se na spomin in kaj le- ta pomeni za človeka, oziroma zame kot umetnico, moj umetniški izraz. Spomin pojmujem kot nekaj, kar je prešlo, a še vseeno biva in vznika v moji sedanjosti - kot vrzel, ki je ni mogoče zapolniti, saj sem v resnici sama vsa potopljena v njej kot likovna ustvarjalka in pesnica. In kot takšna se ne morem dotakniti svojih podob in pesmi, ker sem sama njihov izvor. Ne morem jih sleči in odvreči, ker sem odeta v njihovo goloto. Spomin dojemam tudi kot ruševino, ki se v nekem oziru kaže v svoji ničnosti, včasih nevidni, a vseeno neizbrisljivi sledi. Tej tematiki se tudi najbolj posvetim. V pričujočem magistrskem delu izpostavim tudi življenje in delo Bogdana Borčića, s katerim, glede na to, da nimam eksplicitno izbranih vzornikov v svetu likovne umetnosti, najdem največ vzporednic in skupnih življenjskih resnic ter pogledov, iz katerih je izhajal. Ker se sama ukvarjam tudi s poezijo, v zaključku naloge ob reprodukcijah grafičnih del navajam tudi nekaj svojih pesmi, ki jih pojmujem za segmente, pomembne za razumevanje celote pričujoče magistrske naloge, lastnega razmišljanja ter produkcijo umetniških del, ki so tesno prepletena z njimi, saj vznikajo sinhrono v medsebojni simbiozi.

Keywords:slikarstvo, spomin, reka, ruševina, sublimno, nič, grafika, sled, magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134095 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.12.2021
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Title:The memory of the river and its faces / The memory of the river and its faces
The title of the master's thesis itself suggests a leading concept of the master’s thesis. The memory. “The memory of the river and its faces.” In other words, the memory of my life, of the faces that have left a mark on my life by entering and leaving it, by leaving the indelible traces in me, in my home space, which constantly speak to me on a conscious and subconscious level. I have focused on the memory and what it means to a human being or to me as an artist, to my artistic expression. I consider memory as something that has passed, yet still resides and arises in my present as a gap that cannot be filled, because I am deeply immersed in it as a fine artist and a poet, who cannot touch her images and poems, because I am their source. I cannot take them off and throw them away, since I am covered in their nudity. In some respects, I consider memory as a ruin, that in some ways shows itself in its voidness, its sometimes invisible yet indelible trace. This is the subject I have focused most on. The thesis is also focused on the life and the work of Bogdan Borčić, with whom, since I have no explicitly chosen role models in the world of fine arts, I have found most of the parallels, shared life truths and points of view that the was inspired by. Being a poet myself, along with the reproductions of my graphic works, I have also added some of my poems at the end, which I consider to be the segments that are important for the understanding of my master’s thesis as a whole, of my thoughts and the production of the artworks that are closely intertwined with them, as they synchronously emerge in mutual symbiosis.

Keywords:painting, memory, river, ruin, sublime, nothing, graphic, trace, MA thesis

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