
Uspešnost učenja in poučevanja na daljavo v izrednih razmerah v času epidemije covid-19: Primer poklicnih in strokovnih srednjih šol na Primorskem : primer poklicnih in strokovnih srednjih šol na Primorskem
ID Brec, Vanja (Author), ID Petrovčič, Andraž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brečko, Barbara Neža (Comentor)

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V Sloveniji je zaradi razglasitve epidemije covid-19 potekalo izobraževanje na daljavo v izrednih razmerah (IDIR). Kot posebej težavno se je izkazalo izvajanje praktičnega pouka na daljavo, ki je posebnost srednjih poklicnih in strokovnih šol. Ker IDIR zahteva hiter odziv za izvajanje prilagojenih učnih vsebin, ne ponuja učnega načrta v predvideni obliki. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kateri so po mnenju učiteljev srednjih poklicnih in strokovnih šol na Primorskem elementi uspešnega IDIR, kako ti učitelji ocenjujejo uspešnost IDIR ter katere pomanjkljivosti in priložnosti zaznavajo v času IDIR. V empirični raziskavi smo uporabili polstrukturirane intervjuje. Vzorec je zajemal pet učiteljev in ravnatelja na srednjih poklicnih in strokovnih šolah na Primorskem. Podatke, pridobljene z intervjuji, smo analizirali s kvalitativno tematsko analizo, in sicer s procesom kodiranja. Ugotovili smo, da so intervjuvanci kot elemente uspešnega IDIR navedli prilagoditev učne vsebine in ocenjevanja ter izvajanje pouka po kombiniranem modelu. Intervjuvanci so glede uspešnosti IDIR med epidemijo covid-19 poročali, da je uspešnost posredovanja znanja zadovoljiva, medtem ko je uspešnost celostnega razvoja dijakov nezadovoljiva. Ključna težava, ki so jo izpostavili, je težava z vzpostavljanjem stikov z dijaki v času IDIR. Kot priložnost IDIR pa so izpostavili logistične prednosti.

Keywords:izobraževanje na daljavo v izrednih razmerah, srednje poklicno in strokovno izobraževanje, epidemija covid-19.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Brec]
Number of pages:107 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133770 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:89863427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The effectiveness of emergency remote learning and teaching during the covid-19 epidemic: The case of secondary vocational and technical schools in the Primorska region : magistrsko delo
Emergency remote learning and teaching (ERLT) was implemented in Slovenia to mitigate the impact of the covid-19 epidemic. The implementation of practical learning, which is specific to secondary vocational and technical schools, proved to be particularly challenging in ERLT. Because ERLT requires a rapid response to execute the adjusted learning content, it does not allow the implementation of the curriculum in the intended form. This master's thesis explores the elements of successful ERLT based on the interviews with secondary vocational and technical school teachers in the Primorska region. It investigates how the teachers assess the success of ERLT and what shortcomings and opportunities they perceived during ERLT. The empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews. The sample included five teachers and a principal at secondary vocational and technical schools in the Primorska region. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed with the qualitative thematic analysis. We found that the interviewees identified the adjustment of teaching content and knowledge assessment and the implementation of classes according to a combined model as elements of successful ERLT. With reference to the success of ERLT during the covid-19 epidemic, the interviewees reported that the transfer of knowledge was satisfactory, whereas the success of the integrated development of students was evaluated as unsatisfactory. The key problem identified by the interviewees was related to creating and maintaining the contact with students during ERLT. As an opportunity of ERLT, they mostly mentioned logistic advantages.

Keywords:emergency remote learning and teaching, secondary vocational and technical education, the covid-19 epidemic.

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