
Analiza potencialne geotermalne elektrarne v Sloveniji
ID BARTOL, TADEJ (Author), ID Čepin, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Geotermalni potencial Zemlje je izjemno velik. Tudi na ozemlju Slovenije obstajajo geotermalni pogoji za izgradnjo geotermalne elektrarne. V zaključni nalogi je bilo raziskano področje proizvodnje električne energije iz geotermalnih virov. V teoretičnem delu naloge so analizirane geološke in geotermične zahteve za delovanje in postavitev geotermalne elektrarne, proučene fizikalne osnove pretvorbe toplotne energije v delo in nato v električno energijo ter pregledane sodobne tehnologije in trendi razvoja na področju geotermalnih elektrarn. Največ pozornosti je posvečene tehnologijam, ki bi bile primerne za inštalacijo v Sloveniji. Ker je zaključna naloga v največji meri usmerjena v raziskovanje ekonomske upravičenosti so posebej proučene ekonomske značilnosti izgradnje in delovanja sodobne geotermalne elektrarne. V aplikativnem delu naloge je s programskim orodjem SAM za potrebe analize in oblikovanja referenčnega modela narejena ekonomska analiza za delujoče geotermalne elektrarne v regiji. Na podlagi spoznanj je nato izvedena ekonomska analiza uravnoteženih stroškov električne energije (LCOE) v potencialnih geotermalnih elektrarnah v Sloveniji. Na podlagi primerjave obeh profilov geotermalnih elektrarn so nato z metodo simulacij različnih scenarijev poiskane optimalne možnosti za potencialne elektrarne v Sloveniji. Z veliko verjetnostjo se lahko trdi, da bi v primeru določitve ustreznih geotermalnih virov v Sloveniji gradnja geotermalne elektrarne bila ekonomsko upravičena in privlačna za investitorje. Ne glede na vse trenutne dvome in težave bo razvojna prihodnost usmerjena predvsem v manjše geotermalne elektrarne.

Keywords:geotermalna energija, obnovljivi viri energije, geotermalna elektrarna, organski Rankinov cikel, ekonomski model
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133588 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:87960835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.12.2021
BARTOL, TADEJ, 2021, Analiza potencialne geotermalne elektrarne v Sloveniji [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of a potential geothermal power plant in Slovenia
The geothermal potential of the Earth is extremely large. Slovenia has a geothermal potential for the construction of a geothermal power plant. In the final thesis, I researched the generation of electrical energy from the geothermal resources. In the theoretical part, I analysed the geological and geothermal requirements for the installation and operation of a geothermal power plant. Furthermore, I explored the physical basis of conversion of thermal energy into the work and then into electrical energy. I also reviewed latest technologies and trends in geothermal power plants. In this context, attention was oriented towards the most suitable technologies for installation in Slovenia. Since the final thesis is mostly focused on economic entitlement, the modern geothermal power plant construction and operation economic characteristics are studied specifically. For analytical needs and designing a reference model, in the applicative part of the thesis and based on the SAM software model, I first performed an economic analysis for operating geothermal power plants in the region. Based on the findings, I performed an economic analysis of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of potential geothermal power plants in Slovenia. Based on the findings from a comparative analysis of two-different geothermal power plants model, I developed a few scenarios for simulations in SAM model. In the end, I developed the best options for potential power plants in Slovenia. It can be concluded with a very high-level of probability that the construction of a geothermal power plant would be economically justified and attractive for investors if appropriate geothermal resources in Slovenia would be explored. However, future developments will be primarily oriented on small geothermal power plants.

Keywords:geothermal energy, renewable energy, geothermal power plant, an Organic Rankine Cycle, economic model.

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