
Analiza solidarnosti Evropske unije skozi primer Evropske solidarnostne enote : diplomsko delo
ID Drobne, Maja (Author), ID Deželan, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil analizirati stanje solidarnosti v Evropski uniji ter ugotoviti ali je program Evropska solidarnostna enota primeren mehanizem za naslavljanje izzivov v EU na tem področju. Politične in družbene razmere znotraj meja EU se v zadnjih letih močno spreminjajo (migracije, naravne katastrofe, itn.) in temu je sledil tudi obrat v političnem prostoru; v pogostejšo ekstremno desno in konzervativno politiko. Nekdanji predsednik Evropske komisije, Jean-Claude Juncker je prepoznal, da EU potrebuje nov program, ki bo mlade spodbudil k večji solidarnosti in organizacije, ki delujejo na področju civilne družbe, usmeril v konkretnejši razmislek o tem, kako lahko pripomorejo k dvigu solidarnosti v družbi. Z raziskavo smo dobili vpogled v stanje solidarnosti tako na politični agendi, kot v učinke programa ESE na različna sfere družbenega življenja v EU. Empirični del naloge sestoji iz izsledkov opravljenih intervjujev in analize fokusne skupine, v kateri so sodelovali strokovnjaki iz organizacij, prijaviteljic v program ESE. Analiza strokovne literature in argumenti ter izsledki empiričnega dela pričajo o tem, da je solidarnost v nadnacionalnem političnem kontekstu šibka in hkrati, da je na lokalnem nivoju ključna, omogočena pa je prav s programom ESE - mehanizmom, ki podpira nacionalne in lokalne akterje pri njihovih prizadevanjih za naslavljanje različnih družbenih izzivov in kriz. Učinki programa ESE namreč multiplikativno umeščajo solidarnost na različne družbene ravni, saj so teme znotraj izvajanih projektov programa ESE sicer različne, a odražajo največje izzive evropske družbe.

Keywords:solidarnost, Evropska unija (EU), Evropska solidarnostna enota (ESE)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Drobne]
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133564 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:89010179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The solidarity debate in the European Union through the case of European Solidarity Corps
This thesis sets out to examine the state of solidarity in the European Union (EU) and to establish whether the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme is a suitable mechanism for addressing the challenges in the EU in this area. Political and social conditions within the EU's borders have changed markedly in the last few years (migration, natural disasters, etc.); this has been followed by reversals in the political arena, most frequently towards the extreme right and conservatism. Jean Claude Juncker, former president of the EU Commision acknowledged the necessity of a new EU programme that would promote greater solidarity among the youth, and encourage civil society to make more careful considerations of the ways in which solidarity in society might best be increased. My research enabled me to obtain a thorough insight into the state of solidarity as it appears on the political agenda, as well as in the effects of the ESC programme across various spheres of social life in the EU. The empirical part of the dissertation contains the results of an interview with and analysis of a focus group comprising experts from organisations (ESC applicants). My analysis of the specialist literature and arguments and of the results of the empirical part all indicate that solidarity is weak in the international political context, but a key issue at the local level – one that the mechanism of the ESC promotes by supporting national and local actors in their efforts to address the various social challenges and crises. The ESC programme works by multiplying solidarity at different levels of society, as the topics within the ESC projects carried out are varied, at the same as they reflect the greatest challenges facing European society.

Keywords:Key words: Solidarity, European Union (EU), European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

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