
Nejasno stanje stvari / Nejasno stanje stvari
ID Burja, Maja (Author), ID Barši, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kreft, Lev (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Benčin, Rok (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavam področja in problematike, ključne za moje umetniško delo. V ospredju je premišljanje o umetniškem delovanju in umetniškem delu. Pri obravnavanih delih je ključna medijska in estetska specifičnost fotografije v odnosu do sveta kot tudi umetnosti in njenih silnic. Omogočala mi je perfromativno sledenje in oblikovanje zunanjosti in notranjosti procesov umetniškega dela, ki se odvija v nenehnem limbu možnosti, da se nekaj ne pojavi, ostane nevidno, spregledano. V nalogi sem se skozi prizmo kritike institucij posvetila tudi razmerju umetniškega dela do prizorišč produkcije in vidnosti, odnosu med institucijo umetnosti in njeno zunanjostjo, vlogi umetniške dokumentacije, rekonstrukcije in ponovne uprizoritve v kontekstu efemernih in performativnih praks ter postopkom, ki so ključni za iniciacijo v polje umetnosti in nastanek ter recepcijo umetniških del.

Keywords:kiparstvo, fotografija, performans, umetniški proces, umetniška dokumentacija, site-specificity, kritika institucij, uprizarjanje, ponavljanje, rekonstrukcija, atelje, življenje in umetnost, umetnica, gledalec, dogodek, kontingenca, potencialnost, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133364 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.11.2021
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Title:The Unclear State of Things / The Unclear State of Things
In my MA thesis I address areas and issues crucial to my artistic work. A reflection on artistic action and the work of art is in the foreground. The media and aesthetic specificity of photography in relationship to the world and art (with its forces) is key to the works under consideration. It allowed me to perfromatively trace and tailor the exterior and interior processes of artistic work, which takes place in a constant limbo of the possibility of something not appearing, remaining invisible, overlooked. In the thesis, I also focused on the relationship of the artwork to the sites of production and visibility, the relationship between the art institution and its outside, the role of artistic documentation, reconstruction and re-performance in the context of ephemeral and performative art practices, as well as the processes vital for the initiation into the field of art and the creation and reception of artistic works.

Keywords:sculpture, photography, performance, artistic process, artistic documentation, site-specificity, institutional critique, enactment, repetition, reconstruction, studio, life and art, artist, viewer, event, contingency, potentiality, MA thesis

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