
Negotovi objekt / Eden od//pogoji//spanje
ID Aplinc, Urška (Author), ID Barši, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kreft, Lev (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Benčin, Rok (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi NEGOTOVI OBJEKT poskušam s pomočjo literature in narativnih besedil osvetliti svoje delo EDEN OD//POGOJI//SPANJE. Umetniško delo je manifestacija večmesečnega zvočnega beleženja spanja, s katerim sem poskušala dostopati do izgubljenega časa in locirati objekt svoje pozornosti, ki se mi ves čas izmika. V nalogi se prakse spanja kot dela lotim z različnih teoretskih izhodišč. Najprej obravnavam teme, kot so melanholija, potencialnost, dogodkovnost, prisotnost in glas. Nato premišljam pogoje dela, povezavo spanja, dela in umetnosti s kapitalizmom. Na koncu se dotaknem polja institucionalne kritike. V magistrski nalogi se poslužim metode umeščenega pisanja (ang. situated writing), kar pomeni, da teoretske premisleke prepletem z besedili (npr. z eseji, dnevniškimi zapisi, e-maili, pesmimi), ki so bila večinoma napisana v času nastajanja umetniškega dela. Ta sopostavitev dopusti, da je besedilo naloge v dialogu z umetniško prakso in življenjem, ki jo obdaja, ter tako omogoči večplastno in kompleksno branje umetniškega dela.

Keywords:kiparstvo, performans, spanje, delo, dogodek, melanholija, institucionalna kritika, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Uncertain object / One of//conditions//sleep
In my master’s thesis UNCERTAIN OBJECT, I aim to examine my work ONE OF//CONDITIONS//SLEEP by using literature and narrative texts. The artwork is a manifestation of sound recordings of my own sleep made over several months, which I used to access lost time and locate the object of my attention, which constantly eludes me. In this thesis, I approach the practice of sleep as work from various theoretical standpoints. Firstly, I discuss topics, such as melancholy, potentiality, eventfulness, presence, and voice. I then reflect on working conditions and the connection between sleep, work, art, and capitalism. Finally, I touch upon the area of institutional critique. I use the method of situated writing, which means I intertwine theoretical reflections with texts (e.g. essays, diary entries, e-mails, and poems) written during the time of the artwork’s creation. This juxtaposition allows for the text of the thesis to be in dialogue with the artistic practice and the life that surrounds it, thus enabling a multi-layered and complex reading of the artwork.

Keywords:sculpture, performance, sleep, work, event, melancholy, institutional critique, MA thesis

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