
Doživljanje soočanja z bolečimi čustvi v meditaciji : magistrsko delo
ID Birtič Remškar, Vesna (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Stresni dogodki, žalost, tesnoba, so stalni spremljevalci sodobnega človeka, od ranega otroštva do starosti. Vendar si sodobni človek pogosto ne zna ali ne zmore pomagati ter tako postaja ujetnik lastne bolečine in zanikanja. Kot alternativa obstoječim vzorcem in navadam, se v zadnjem času uveljavljajo že tisočletja poznani duhovni in zdravilski postopki ter metode raznih zahodnih in vzhodnih kultur. Meditacijo in čuječnost so poznala že stara ljudstva vzhoda in zahoda. Meditacija je le ena izmed mnogih pomembnih in učinkovitih metod za obvladovanje in zdravljenje duševnih težav. V zadnjem času se jo vedno bolj uvršča ob bok drugim uveljavljenim terapevtskim pristopom. Tako se kot dopolnilna metoda vse več uporablja tudi v psihoterapiji in klinični praksi. V magistrskem delu smo s fenomenološko metodo raziskovali doživljanja in soočanja z bolečimi čustvi v meditaciji. S pomočjo polstrukturiranih intervjujev smo s petimi udeleženci izvedli raziskavo in dobili vpogled v njihova doživljanja ter izkušnje. Rezultati raziskave se ujemajo s teoretičnimi izhodišči, ki se nanašajo na metodo ter učinke meditacije in ki predpostavljajo, da se z rednim in ustreznim prakticiranjem meditacije, s poglobljenim in ne presojajočim odnosom do sebe, človek osvobodi in opusti lastne notranje boje. Življenje in situacije lahko vidi z drugačne perspektive, jih osmisli in svojo energijo zavestno usmeri k pomembnim osebnim ciljem.

Keywords:stres, meditacija, čuječnost, psihoterapija, boleča čustva, fenomenološko raziskovanje.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Remškar]
Number of pages:II, 66, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133334 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86743555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing of coping with painful emotions in meditation
Stressful events, sadness and anxiety are modern peoples' constant companions from early childhood to old age. However, modern man often does not know or cannot help himself and thus becomes a prisoner of his own pain and denial. Hence, the spiritual and healing procedures and methods of various Western and Eastern cultures, which were in use for thousands of years, have been recently emerging as an alternative to existing patterns and customs. Meditation and mindfulness were already known to the ancient peoples of the East and the West. Meditation is just one of many important and effective methods for managing and treating mental problems and nowadays it is more and more often used as a complementary method alongside already established therapeutic approaches in psychotherapy and clinical practice. In this master's thesis, we used the phenomenological method to explore experiences and coping with painful emotions in meditation. With the use of semi-structured interviews, we conducted research with five participants in order to explore their insight and their experiences. The results of the research are in accordance with the theoretical underpinnings relating to the method and effects of meditation, which assume that regular and appropriate practice of meditation, combined with a deep and non-judgmental attitude towards oneself, helps with liberation and abandonment of one's own inner struggles. It also helps with one’s outlook on their own life and personal circumstances from a different perspective in order to make sense of them and consciously direct their energy towards important personal goals.

Keywords:stress, meditation, mindfulness, psychotherapy, painful emotions, phenomenological research.

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