
Določitev stabilnostnih pogojev izkopnih brežin v flišu z izbranimi analitičnimi in numeričnimi metodam : magistrsko delo
ID Pajnkiher, Andreja (Author), ID Fifer Bizjak, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Živec, Tina (Comentor)

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V inženirski geologiji lahko heterogene kamnine zaradi svojega anizotropnega obnašanja predstavljajo precejšnje izzive pri geotehničnem projektiranju. Prav zato je zelo pomembno razumevanje geomehanskega obnašanja heterogenih kamnin, ki je odvisno od deleža posameznih kamnin in strukturnih značilnosti, kar pomeni, da moramo pri njihovi klasifikaciji v sklopu inženirsko-geološkega popisa čim bolj natančno določiti delež posameznih litoloških enot in značilnosti diskontinuitet. Takšna kamnina je tudi fliš, za katero je značilno ciklično menjavanje drobnozrnatih in debelozrnatih klastičnih kamnin, ponekod z vmesnimi plastmi apnenca, breče, konglomerata ali kalkarenita. Ravno pri flišnih kamninah je zelo vidna odvisnost stabilnosti od strukturnih značilnosti, ki so odvisne od lastnosti diskontinuitet. V magistrski nalogi sem preverila stabilnost izkopnih brežin v flišnih kamninah s poudarkom na določitvi parametrov diskontinuitet ter njihovo vključitev v analize. Terensko delo z detajlnim inženirsko-geološkim popisom izdankov fliša sem izvedla v JZ delu Slovenije v bližini Črnega Kala, na območju gradnje 2. tira Divača–Koper, s poudarkom na uveljavljenih ročnih metodah določitve lastnosti diskontinuitet ter odvzema vzorcev za laboratorijske preiskave. S pridobljenimi podatki sem fliš klasificirala po uveljavljenih sistemih klasifikacij, in sicer RMR (RMR faktor za oceno hribine) in GSI (geološki indeks trdnosti), geomehanske parametre pa sem povzela iz predhodnih raziskav v podobnih hribinah. Izvedla sem tudi analitično analizo z računalniškim programom RocPlane ter numerično analizo s programom Slide2 in primerjala primernost uporabe programov pri stabilnostnih analizah v flišnih kamninah.

Keywords:fliš, Tinjan (D96 x=409608.35, y=47993.94) in Gabrovica (D96 x=411891.35, y=46977.87), stabilnostna analiza, inženirsko-geološki popis, diskontinuitete, Bartonov glavnik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Pajnkiher]
Number of pages:XVII, 71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133252 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86636803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of stability conditions of flysch excavation slopes using selected analytical and numerical methods : master's thesis
Heterogeneous rocks in engineering geology can pose significant challenges in geotechnical design due to their anisotropic behavior. Therefore, it is very important to understand the geomechanical behavior of heterogeneous rocks, which depends on the proportion of individual rocks and structural characteristics, which means that the classification of such rocks in the engineering-geological inventory the proportion of individual lithological units and discontinuities must be determined as accurately as possible. Such rock is also flysch, which is characterized by cyclic alternation of fine-grained and coarse-grained clastic rocks, sometimes with intermediate layers of limestone, breccia, conglomerate or calcarenite. The dependence of stability on structural characteristics, which depend on the properties of discontinuities, is very visible in flysch. In my master 's thesis, I checked the stability of excavated slopes in flysch with an emphasis on determining the discontinuity parameters and their inclusion in the analyzes. Field work with a detailed engineering-geological inventory of flysch outcrops was in the SW part of Slovenia, near Črni Kal, in the area of construction of 2nd rail Divača–Koper, with emphasis on established manual methods for determining discontinuity properties and taking samples for laboratory tests. With the obtained data I classified flysch according to established classification systems, namely RMR (Rock Mass Rating) and GSI (Geological Strength Index), geomechanical parameters were taken from previous research in similar rocks. I also performed analytical analysis with the program RocPlane, numerical analysis with the program Slide2 and compared the suitability of using the programs in stability analyzes in flysch.

Keywords:flysch, Tinjan (D96 x=409608.35, y=47993.94) and Gabrovica (D96 x=411891.35, y=46977.87), stability analysis, engineering-geological mapping, discontinuities, Barton comb

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