
Analiza jeklenega ločnega podporja tipa V 29 in primernost za vgradnjo v jamah Premogovnika Velenje
ID Amon, Kristjan (Author), ID Rošer, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mayer, Janez (Comentor)

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V Premogovniku Velenje poteka pridobivanje lignita s specifično širokočelno odkopno metodo, imenovano Velenjska odkopna metoda. Ker sta intenzivnost in globina pridobivanja vedno večja in ob kompleksnih geoloških pogojih, je pridobivanje lignita vedno zahtevnejše. Pri podzemnem rudarjenju je potrebno zagotavljati stabilnost podzemnih objektov, kar se doseže z uporabo ustreznih podpornih ukrepov. Najbolj razširjeni podporni ukrepi so uporaba jeklenega ločnega podporja, hribinskih sider in ometavanje objekta z betonom. V Premogovniku Velenje se je v preteklosti kot primarni podporni ukrep uporabljalo jekleno ločno podporje tipa K24, ki ga v zadnjem obdobju uspešno nadomeščajo z močnejšim tipom TH29. V Premogovniku Velenje se je z namenom ugotavljanja ustreznosti nadaljnjih tipov JLP preizkušalo jekleno ločno podporje tipa V29. V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni rezultati preverjanja kemičnih in mehanskih lastnosti, dimenzije in nosilnosti, ki so se preverjale na inštitutu za rudarstvo v Katowicah na Poljskem. Predstavljeni pa so tudi rezultati preizkusov, ki so se izvajali v Premogovniku Velenje. V Premogovniku Velenje so bile preizkušene geometrijske karakteristike, sposobnost krivljenja s pomočjo kolutnega stroja za popravilo jeklenega ločnega podporja, spremljava konvergenčnih točk vgrajenih profilov v dostavni progi odkopa B k.-110 in dostavni progi odkopa G4/C ter testiranje obnašanja jeklenega ločnega podporja pri hipni obremenitvi ob prostem padu . Cilj magistrskega dela je podati oceno ustreznosti jeklenega ločnega podporja V29 za uporabo v jamah Premogovnika Velenje.

Keywords:Premogovnik Velenje, geološki pogoji, stabilnost podzemnih objektov, jekleno ločno podporje, V29
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133250 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:85110019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of V 29 steel arch support and its suitability for installation in Premogovnik Velenje coal mine
In Premogovnik Velenje lignite is exploited with the use of long-wall mining method. Because of the ever-increasing depth, intensity of mining and more complex geological conditions the exploitation of lignite is becoming increasingly difficult. In underground mining operations the stability of underground roadways is crucial, which is achieved with the use of appropriate support elements. Most commonly used support elements are steel arch support, rockbolts and use of shotcrete. In Premogovnik Velenje the primary support measure is the use of steel arch supports. In Premogovnik Velenje the most used primary support element used to be steel arch support type K24, which is being replaced with stronger steel arch support type TH29. In Premogovnik Velenje steel arch support type V29 was tested with the intention of assessing the suitability for use in its mines. In this masters thesis the results for chemical and mechanical properties, dimensions and load capacity that were tested in central Mining Institute Katowice in Poland are shown. There was also testing caried on in Premogovnik Velenje, from which the results are also shown in this masters thesis. In Premogovnik Velenje there was testing of geometrical characteristics, bending properties with the use of reel machine used for repairing damaged steel arches, measurements of convergence points installed in delivery roadway B k.-110 and delivery roadway G4/C and testing of steel arch behaviour in occurance of a sudden load with free falling. The aim of this masters thesis is to evaluate the suitability of V29 steel arch support for its use in the mines of Premogovnik Velenje.

Keywords:Premogovnik Velenje, geological conditions, stability of underground roadways, steel arch support, V29

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