
Podpora in pomoč staršem otrok s posebnimi potrebami : magistrsko delo
ID Fras, Larisa (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tematika, ki sem jo raziskovala v magistrski nalogi in je povezana s podporo in pomočjo staršem otrok s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju starši otrok s PP), se mi zdi pomembna. Vsi – okolica, strokovnjaki – se tako kot z otroki s posebnimi potrebami srečujejo tudi z njihovimi starši, katerih občutja, mnenja, razmišljanja, doživljanja in izkušnje so različne, in prav tem se v magistrski nalogi podrobneje posvečam. Osredotočam se na mnenja, ki so jih starši otrok s PP izrazili glede podpore in pomoči pri otrocih s PP, kdo in kako jim pri tem pomaga (okolica, strokovnjaki) ter kako s strokovnjaki sodelujejo in ocenjujejo njihovo usposobljenost. Menim, da lahko na podlagi mnenja, izkušenj in ocen, ki so jih podali starši otrok s PP, ljudje, ki so v podobnih situacijah, dobijo koristne napotke in ideje, kako se soočati z določenimi situacijami. Prav tako menim, da to predstavlja doprinos tudi za okolico, strokovnjake, ki bodo dobili uvid v to, kaj si starši želijo, kaj jih moti oziroma s čim se srečujejo. V teoretičnem uvodu predstavljam literaturo na to tematiko. Posvetim se družini, znotraj katere se dotaknem staršev otrok s PP, partnerjev v odnosu drug do drugega, sorojencev in socialnih omrežij družine. Predstavim rutino/spremembo organiziranosti v družini. V nadaljevanju predstavim pojma pomoč in podpora in se dotaknem vloge strokovnjakov, povezanih s starši otrok s PP, izpostavim sodelovanje med šolo in starši ter naštejem pravice staršev otrok s PP. Nazadnje predstavim še vidik socialnega dela. S pomočjo empiričnega dela sem izvedla raziskavo, ki je temeljila na delno standardiziranih intervjujih in kvalitativni obdelavi podatkov. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 8 staršev otrok s PP, državljanov Republike Slovenije v letu 2021. V raziskavi sem ugotovila, da večina staršev izve šele po rojstvu, da ima otroka s PP. Pri tem doživljajo tako pozitivne kot negativne občutke, večinoma pa se vendarle soočajo z negativnimi mislimi. Takoj po znani diagnozi najprej začnejo z iskanjem informacij, največkrat z branjem strokovne literature po spletu in preko FB skupin. Ugotovila sem, da v družini otroka s PP prihaja do sprememb, ki pa so različne. Največkrat se z novo realnostjo soočijo tako, da jim postane rutina. Partnerski odnos na splošno ocenjujejo kot dober, drug drugemu sta si v oporo in sodelujeta pri skrbi za otroka. Tudi odnos med sorojenci ocenjujejo kot dober, s tem da v njihovem vedenju opažajo nekatere spremembe. Starši informacijo o tem, da imajo otroka s PP, največkrat najprej podelijo s svojimi starši in prijatelji, pri katerih prav tako dobijo pomoč in podporo v obliki pogovora ali varstva. Odziv okolice pri tem je tako pozitiven kot negativen. Nadaljnjo pomoč poiščejo pri strokovnjakih, pogostost iskanja le-te pa se razlikuje od vsakega posameznika. Sodelovanje s strokovnjaki ocenjujejo kot uspešno, se pa kljub vsemu pojavljajo različni občutki – od zadovoljstva do razočaranja, saj se med strokovnjaki najdejo različno usposobljeni in primerni za opravljanje tako občutljivega dela. Intervjuvanci si od strokovnjakov želijo več empatije, prilagodljivosti, predvsem pa več pozornosti. Ugotovila sem, da starši otrok s PP največkrat koristijo dodatek za nego otroka in pravico do najmanj treh dodatnih dni letnega dopusta. V veliki večini starši otrok s PP sprejmejo dano situacijo in si pustijo pomagati. Slednje je tudi prednostnega značaja, namreč da si upajo poiskati pomoč in podporo, pri svojih bližnjih ali strokovnjakih, ter da še naprej ohranjajo moč in pozitivno energijo, saj menim, da to ne nazadnje prenesejo tudi na otroka.

Keywords:družina, rutina, podpora in pomoč, okolica, strokovnjaki in pravice
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Fras]
Number of pages:109 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133208 This link opens in a new window
UDC:364.4: 159.922.76-055.52
COBISS.SI-ID:89146627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Support and assistance for parents of children with special needs
The topic in the paper is related to the support and assistance to parents of children with special needs (hereinafter parents of children with SN), and it is quite important to me. Everyone - the environment, experts - meet children with special needs as well as their parents, whose feelings, opinions, thoughts, and experiences vary a lot, and this is what I focus on in more detail in my master's thesis. I emphasize the opinions expressed by parents regarding support and assistance for children with SN, who helps them and how (environment, experts) and in what way they cooperate with professionals and to what degree they assess their competence. Based on the opinions, experiences and assessments given by parents of children with SN, people who are in similar situations can get helpful guidance and ideas on how to behave in certain situations and tackle the difficulties. The collected data from the interviews is a contribution for the neighbourhood, professionals who will gain an insight into what parents want, what bothers them or what they face and struggle with. In the theoretical introduction, I present the literature on this topic. I focus on the family, within which I pay special attention on the parents of children with SN, partners in relation to each other, siblings and family’s social networks. I present a routine/changes in the family. Furthermore, I introduce the concepts of help and support from experts, highlight the cooperation between school and parents and list the rights of parents of children with SN. Finally, I present the aspect of social work. In the empirical part, I conducted a research based on partially standardized interviews and qualitative data processing. 8 parents of children with SN, citizens of the Republic of Slovenia in 2021, participated in the research. The results show that most parents found out that they had a child with SN shortly after birth. They experienced both positive and negative feelings, but predominantly, however, they fought with negative thoughts. Immediately after the diagnosis, they started looking for information, most often by reading scientific writings online and different forums, especially in FB groups. There are certain changes in the family of a child with SN. Most of the time, all members face the new reality by changing it into an everyday routine. The interviewees generally consider the partnership to be good, they support each other and cooperate in child care. They see the relationship between siblings as good, even though they notice some changes in their behaviour. Parents usually share information about having a child with SN with their parents and friends, who also help them and offer support by conversation or babysitting. The reactions of the neighbourhood are both positive and negative. Parents seek help from experts, and the frequency of it varies from individual to individual. Their cooperation is successful, but nevertheless different feelings appear - from satisfaction to disappointment, as there are differently trained and suitable specialists for such sensitive work. Interviewees claim they want more empathy, flexibility and, above all, more attention from professionals. Parents of children with SN most often benefit from childcare allowance and the right to at least three additional days of annual leave. Parents of children with SN mostly reconcile themselves to a given situation and accept any offered help. The latter is also a priority, namely that they dare to seek help and support from their loved ones or professionals, and that they continue to maintain strength and positive energy, as I believe that they pass this on to the child.

Keywords:family, routine, support and help, environment, specialists and rights

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