
Zasvojenost z internetom in s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji v povezavi z narcisizmom ter stili navezanosti : magistrsko delo
ID Dajčar, Monika (Author), ID Jerebic, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ogromno je raziskav, ki se osredotočajo na iskanje povezav med posameznimi vidiki zasvojenosti z internetom in s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji, narcisizmom ter stili navezanosti. Nikjer pa ni bilo zaslediti povezave med vsemi štirimi spremenljivkami, zato to magistrsko delo preučuje povezavo med zasvojenostjo z internetom in spletnimi socialnimi omrežji, narcisizmom ter stili navezanosti. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kakšne so statistično pomembne razlike glede na spol pri narcisizmu, zasvojenosti z internetom in zasvojenosti s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako so vse štiri spremenljivke povezane med seboj. V teoretičnem delu smo pod drobnogled vzeli vsako spremenljivko posebej in preučili dosedanje raziskave, ki so iskale povezanost med njimi, v empiričnem delu pa smo preverjali, kakšni rezultati se kažejo pri slovenski populaciji. Vzorec je zajemal 120 moških in 192 žensk s povprečno starostjo 30,23 let. Podatki glede vzorca so navedeni na podlagi rezultatov demografskih vprašanj, ki so nam jih zaupali udeleženci raziskave, je pa prišlo do odstopanj pri analizi posameznih hipotez, saj se je izkazalo, da je bil ponekod vzorec precej večji. Kot razlog za manjši numerus pri navajamo dejstvo, da so bila v anketnem vprašalniku demografska vprašanja zastavljena na koncu in so jih udeleženci velikokrat preskočili. Za merjenje narcisizma smo uporabili Vprašalnik narcisizma NPI-40) (Raskin in Terry, 1988), stil navezanosti smo merili s Vprašalnikom medosebnih odnosov RQ (Bartholomew in Horowitz, 1991), za merjenje zasvojenosti z internetom smo uporabili Test zasvojenosti z internetom IAT (Young, 1998), za merjenje zasvojenosti s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji pa smo uporabili Lestvico motenj v socialnih medijih SMDS (Van den Eijnden idr., 2016). Rezultati raziskave niso pokazali statistično pomembnih razlik glede na spol pri zasvojenosti z internetom in zasvojenosti s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji. Se je pa statistično pomembna razlika glede na spol pokazala pri narcisizmu; rezultati raziskave so namreč pokazali, da moški v povprečju izkazujejo višje stopnje narcisizma. Slednje se kažejo predvsem pri posameznikih z odklonilno izogibajočo navezanostjo. Prav tako se je izkazalo, da več narcisističnih lastnosti, kot se kaže pri posameznikih, večja je zasvojenost s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da je stil navezanosti povezan z zasvojenostjo z internetom in s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji; plašljivo izogibajoči in preokupirano navezani posamezniki odražajo večjo zasvojenost z obema navedenima spremenljivkama.

Keywords:zasvojenost z internetom, zasvojenost s socialnimi omrežji, narcisizem, stili navezanosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[M. Dajčar]
Number of pages:VII, 110 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133206 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86001667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Internet and online social network addiction in connection with narcissism and attachment styles
There is a huge amount of research that focuses on finding links between individual aspects of internet addiction and online social networks, narcissism and attachment styles. However, there was no connection found between all four variables, so this master's thesis with the title Internet and online social network addiction in connection with narcissism and attachment styles examines precisely this connection. In particular, we were interested in what are statistically significant differences according to gender in narcissism, internet addiction and online social networking addiction. We also wanted to know, how all four variables are related to each other. In the theoretical part we examined each variable separately and examined the previous researchers looking for a correlation between them, while in the empirical part we checked the results of the Slovenian population. The sample included 120 men and 192 women with an average age of 30.23 years. The sample data are based on the results of demographic issues, entrusted to us by the study participants in the research, but there were discrepancies in the analysis of individual hypotheses, as it turned out that in some cases the sample was much larger. As a reason for the lower number, we cite the fact that the survey questionnaire asked demographic questions at the end and were often skipped by the participants. To measure narcissism, we used the NPI-40 Narcissism Questionnaire (Raskin and Terry, 1988), the attachment style was measured by the RQ Interpersonal Relations Questionnaire (Bartholomew and Horowitz, 1991), to measure internet addiction we used the IAT Internet Addiction Test (Young, 1998), and we used the Social Media Interference Scale SMDS to measure online social networking addiction (Van den Eijnden, etc., 2016). The results of the study did not show statistically significant differences according to gender in internet addiction and online social networking addiction. However, a statistically significant difference in gender was shown in narcissism; the results of the research showed that men, on average, showed higher levels of narcissism. The latter are mainly manifested primarily in individuals with a negative avoidance attachment. It has also been shown that the more narcissistic traits as seen in individuals, the greater the propensity for addiction to online social networks. The results also showed that attachment style is associated with internet addiction and online social networks; in fact, timidly avoidant and preoccupied individuals reflect a greater propensity to become addicted to both variables.

Keywords:internet addiction, social media addiction, narcissism, attachment styles

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