
Analiza trga stanovanjskih nepremičnin v Podravski regiji : diplomsko delo
ID Krajnc, Maša (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih letih je na trgu nepremičnin veliko sprememb. Tako kot druge države in regije se je tudi podravski trg stanovanjskih nepremičnin spopadal z okrevanjem po krizi. Zanimalo me je, kaj se je na tem področju dogajalo v obdobju od leta 2014 do 2020 ter ali si je podravski trg stanovanjskih nepremičnin opomogel – ali sta se število kupoprodajnih poslov in ponudba stanovanjskih nepremičnin povečala. S statistično analizo sem ugotovila, kakšno je gibanje ponudbe, cen ter števila kupoprodaj v širši podravski regiji ter Mariboru z okolico. Maribor kot urbano središče podravske regije sem primerjala z drugima večjima regionalnima središčema, to je Ljubljano ter Mursko Soboto. Ugotovila sem, da si je podravski trg stanovanjskih nepremičnin po svetovni gospodarski krizi opomogel in da so cene ter število kupoprodaj v vseh primerjanih občinah oziroma krajih naraščale. Najhitreje si je opomogel trg stanovanjskih nepremičnin v Ljubljani, kjer je tudi sicer najvišji promet z njimi. Za vsa primerjana območja se je pokazalo, da so cene v urbanih središčih višje in se zmanjšujejo z razdaljo od njih. Povprečne prodajne cene stanovanj in stanovanjskih hiš so v Ljubljani enkrat višje kot v Mariboru, v Murski Soboti pa nekoliko nižje. Pri stanovanjskih hišah se z oddaljenostjo od urbanih središč hkrati viša tudi kvadratura pripadajočega zemljišča. Število primarnih stanovanjskih nepremičnin se je od leta 2014 do 2018 zmanjševalo, saj so se v tem času dokončali in razprodali vsi v krizi obtičali gradbeni projekti. V letu 2018 se je ponovno začela gradnja novih večstanovanjskih objektov, sklopov vrstnih hiš in luksuznih sosesk. V letu 2020 se je tako v svetu kot pri nas pojavila epidemija Covid-19, državni ukrepi za njeno zajezitev pa so pomembno vplivali tudi na trg nepremičnin.

Keywords:nepremičnina, trg nepremičnin, povpraševanje, ponudba, stanovanje, stanovanjska hiša, podravska regija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Krajnc]
Number of pages:XI, 49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133185 This link opens in a new window
UDC:332.85(497.4Podravska regija)
COBISS.SI-ID:88325379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of residential real estate market in the Podravska region
There has been a lot of change in the real estate market in recent years. Similar to other countries and regions, the residential real estate market in the Podravska region has also been struggling with the post-crisis recovery. I was interested in the happenings in this area in recent years and whether the Podravska region residential real estate market has recovered. With the help of statistical analysis, I discovered the trends in supply, and prices as well as the number of sales in the wider Podravska region, together with Maribor and its surrounding areas. I compared Maribor, the urban center of the Podravska region, with two other major regional centers, namely Ljubljana and Murska Sobota. I found that the Podravska residential real estate market has indeed recovered after the global economic crisis and that both the prices and the number of sales in all the compared municipalities, or rather, regions, were increasing. The residential real estate market in Ljubljana, which has the highest turnover, was the fastest to recover. In all the compared areas, prices were found to be higher in urban centers and gradually decreased with distance. In Ljubljana, the average selling prices for apartments and residential houses are double the price of similar real estate in Maribor, which in turn are slightly higher than those in Murska Sobota. When it comes to residential houses, increasing the distance from the urban centers also results in increased square footage of the property. The number of primary residential properties has been declining from 2014 to 2018, as construction projects, halted during the crisis, were all completed and sold. In 2018, however, the construction of new multi-dwelling buildings, sets of row houses and luxury neighbourhoods commenced again. In 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic appeared in the world and in Slovenia and state measures to contain it also had a significan impact on the real estate market.

Keywords:real estate, real estate market, demand, supply, apartment, residential house, Podravska region

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