
Surface treatment of wood with floating electrode dielectric barrier discharge plasma : doctoral dissertation
ID Žigon, Jure (Author), ID Dahle, Sebastian (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petrič, Marko (Comentor)

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Površine trdnih materialov so lahko obdelane z različnimi tehnikami in procesi. V disertaciji je bil razvit nov tip naprave za ustvarjanje netermične dielektrične barierne razelektritvene plazme s plavajočo elektrodo in uspešno uporabljen za neprekinjeno obdelavo površin masivnega lesa in ostalih lignoceluloznih materialov. Eksperimentalno delo je vključevalo študije vplivov različnih parametrov procesa obdelave s plazmo na lastnosti obdelanih površin in njihovih interakcij z nanesenim premazom na vodni osnovi in lepili. Lastnosti ustvarjenih plazemskih razelektritev so bile odvisne od inherentnih lastnosti substratov in nastavljenih parametrov naprave. Obdelava svežih in staranih substratov je povzročila oksidacijo njihovih površin, povečanje proste površinske energije, povečano hidrofilnost in omočljivost površin lesa s premazom in lepili. Izboljšane interakcije s premazom in lepili na vodni osnovi so bile zaznane na naravnem lesu, termično modificiranem lesu, vlakneni plošči, iverni plošči in kovinah. Predobdelava s plazmo ni imela vpliva na globino penetracije premaza v les. Ta vrsta tehnike predobdelave se je izkazala kot dobra alternativa običajnim procesom površinske obdelave.

Keywords:dielektrična barierna razelektritev, les, omočljivost, plazma, površine, obdelava, premazi
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133180 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82005251  This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2021
ŽIGON, Jure, 2021, Surface treatment of wood with floating electrode dielectric barrier discharge plasma : doctoral dissertation [online]. Doctoral dissertation. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Površinska obdelava lesa z dielektrično barierno razelektritveno plazmo s plavajočo elektrodo : doktorska disertacija
The surfaces of solid materials can be treated by various techniques and processes. In this dissertation, a novel type of device for generating a non-thermal dielectric barrier discharge plasma in a floating electrode configuration was developed and successfully applied to the continuous surface treatment process of solid wood and other lignocellulosic materials. The experimental work included the study of the influence of various parameters of the plasma treatment process on the properties of the treated surfaces and their interactions with applied water-based coating and adhesives. The properties of the generated plasma discharges were dependent on the inherent properties of the substrates and the set device parameters. Treatment of the fresh and aged or weathered substrates with plasma resulted in an oxidation of the surfaces, leading to increased surface free energy, improved hydrophilicity, and wettability of the wood surface with coating and adhesives. The improved interactions with water-based coating and adhesives were observed on plasma-treated natural wood, thermally modified wood, medium density fiberboard, particleboard, and metals. The pretreatment of wood with plasma had no effect on the coating penetration depth in wood. This type of pretreatment technique has proven to be a good alternative to conventional surface treatment processes.

Keywords:dielectric barrier discharge, wood, wettability, plasma, surfaces, treatment, coatings

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