
Doživljanje in stališča učencev ter njihovih staršev do odnosov in sodelovanja z vrstniki med epidemijo Covid-19
ID Rukelj, Sara (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7015/ This link opens in a new window

Vsak posameznik je družbeno bitje, ki se skozi vse življenje razvija v interakciji z okoljem, ki s svojimi kulturnimi in zgodovinskimi ozadji pomembno vpliva na posameznikov razvoj. S pojavom koronavirusa, ki se je leta 2020 razširil po vsem svetu, je prišlo do korenitih sprememb v okolju. Omejitev gibanja, socialna distanca, prepoved zbiranja skupin na javnih površinah, zaprtje raznovrstnih institucij in storitev, ki jih ljudje vsakodnevno obiskujejo in uporabljajo, so le nekatere izmed njih. Okolje in socialne skupine imajo za posameznika velik pomen, saj mu s svojimi vplivi vsakodnevno pomagajo pri zadovoljevanju njegovih potreb, hkrati pa pomembno vplivajo na razvoj osebnosti. Vzpostavljanje interakcije z drugimi ljudmi omogoča proces socializacije, ki je vseživljenjski proces in posameznika umešča v družbeni in kulturni svet, v katerem živi. Brez procesa socializacije družba ne bi obstajala, posameznik pa ne bi izoblikoval identitete, norm in vrednot. Vključenost posameznika v družbo zadovoljuje potrebo po sprejetosti in pripadnosti, na drugi strani pa omogoča, da posameznik razvije svoj družbeni jaz. Šola, katere namen je v prvi vrsti poučevanje učencev, je hkrati tudi prostor socialni odnosov in varovalni dejavnik za otroke. Šola posameznikom nudi možnost, da vzpostavljajo socialne stike z vrstniki in učitelji, ki otroku pripomorejo pri zadovoljevanju potrebe po ljubezni, sprejetosti in pripadnosti, kar pripomore k povečanju občutka varnosti in k pozitivnejši samopodobi oz. predstavi o sebi. V magistrskem delu, ki temelji na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu, sem uporabila študijo primera ene osnovne šole. Podatke sem pridobivala s pomočjo spletne ankete. Raziskava je temeljila na namenskem, neslučajnostnem vzorčenju. V njej so sodelovali učenci od 6. do 9. razreda OŠ Franceta Bevka v Ljubljani in njihovi starši. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil raziskati izkušnje in stališča učencev in njihovih staršev glede zaznavanja odnosov in sodelovanja z vrstniki v času epidemije Covid-19 ter jih primerjati med seboj. Raziskava je pokazala, da so učenci v času epidemije Covid-19 zelo pogosto pogrešali svoje prijatelje in si zelo pogosto želeli druženja z njimi. V času, ko so bile šole zaprte, so učenci OŠ Franceta Bevka stike najpogosteje vzpostavljali s svojimi sošolci, s katerimi so bili v stiku večkrat na dan ali vsak dan. Za vzpostavljanje stikov z vrstniki so učenci v digitalnem svetu vsakodnevno uporabljali dopisovanje ali pogovarjanje s pomočjo socialnih omrežij. Po mnenju učencev in njihovih staršev se odnosi med sošolci v času epidemije Covid-19 niso bistveno spremenili, obenem pa starši poročajo, da so v času epidemije Covid-19 pri svojih otrocih zaznali, da so se s sošolci pogosteje pogovarjali po telefonu in se pogosteje družili z njimi na domu ali zunaj na ulici, dvorišču. Glede vpliva, ki so ga imeli omenjeni socialni stiki z vrstniki nanje v času epidemije Covid-19, so tako učenci kot starši najpogosteje odgovarjali, da so stiki z vrstniki učence osrečili, jim zmanjšali občutek osamljenosti, jim popestrili dneve oz. jih naredili zanimivejše. Odgovori staršev so pokazali, da je večina njih svoje otroke v času epidemije Covid-19 spodbujala k temu, da vzpostavijo in vzdržujejo stike z vrstniki, medtem ko so učenci odgovarjali, da so jih starši k temu spodbujali le redko ali občasno. Starši so najpogosteje odgovorili, da so svoje otroke k druženju z vrstniki spodbudili tako, da se gredo s prijatelji igrati na igrišče/igrala/ulico, da pokličejo svoje prijatelje po telefonu ali se gredo z njimi rekreirati (sprehod, kolesarjenje, tek ipd.). Učitelji OŠ Franceta Bevka so s pomočjo učnih vsebin enkrat na mesec spodbujali sodelovanje z vrstniki in drugimi ljudmi, medtem ko so bile naloge večkrat na teden zasnovane kot samostojno delo učencev. Po mnenju učencev in njihovih staršev so učitelji v času epidemije Covid-19 večkrat na teden pripravili zanimive ure pouka in s pripravljenimi nalogami in aktivnostmi večkrat na teden motivirali učence ter jim bili v času šolanja na daljavo vsak dan na voljo za pomoč in pogovor.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133146 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID: 84264195 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences and attitudes of students and their parents toward peer relationships and collaboration during the Covid-19 epidemic
Everyone of us is a social being going through the process of personal development and growth throughout their lives and does so in interaction with the environment, which with its cultural and historical backgrounds has a significant impact on each individual's development. There have been radical changes in this environment with the advent of the coronavirus, which spread worldwide in 2020. Restrictions on movement, social distance, a ban on group gathering in public areas, the closure of the various institutions and services that people visit and use daily are just some of them. The environment and social groups are of great importance to the individual, as their influences help him meet his needs daily, and at the same time have a significant impact on the development of personality. Establishing interaction with other people enables the process of socialization, which is a lifelong process and places the individual in the social and cultural world in which he lives. Without the process of socialization, society would not exist, and the individual would not form his identity, norms, and values. The inclusion of the individual in society satisfies the need for acceptance and belonging, and on the other hand allows him to develop his social self. School, whose primary purpose is to teach students, is at the same time a space of social relations and a protective factor for children. It offers individuals the opportunity to establish social contacts with peers and teachers, who help the child meet the need for love, acceptance and belonging, which helps increase the feeling of security and a more positive self-image or imagine about ourselves. In my master’s thesis, which is based on a quantitative research approach, I used a case study of one primary school. I obtained the data through an online survey. The research was based on purposeful, non-random sampling. Pupils from 6th to 9th grade of the France Bevk Primary School in Ljubljana and their parents took part in it. The main goal of the research was to investigate the experiences and attitudes of students and their parents regarding the perception of relationships and cooperation with peers during the Covid-19 epidemic and to compare them with each other. Research has shown that during the Covid-19 epidemic, students missed their friends very often and wanted to socialize with them very often as well. At the time when the schools were closed, the students of the France Bevk Primary School most often established contacts with their classmates, with whom they were in contact several times a day or every day. To establish contact with peers, on a daily basis students used correspondence or conversation in the digital world through social networks. According to students and their parents, relationships between classmates did not change significantly during the Covid-19 epidemic, while parents report that during that exact time, they observed in their children that they communicated to classmates more often per phone and more often socialized with them at their home or outside on the street, in the yard. The impact that the mentioned social contacts with peers had on them during the Covid-19 epidemic, both students and parents see equally, namely, that contacts with peers made students happy, reduced their feeling of loneliness, brightened their days, and made them more interesting. Parents’responses showed that most of them encouraged their children to establish and maintain contact with peers during the Covid-19 epidemic, while students reported the parents encouragingthem to do so only rarely or occasionally. Parents most often answered that they encouraged their children to socialize with their peers by meeting their friends on the playground oroutdoors, calling their friends on the phone or exercising with them (walking, cycling, running, etc.). France Bevk Primary School teachers encouraged collaboration with peers and other people once a month with the help of learning content, while the assignments were designed independently several times a week, in such a way that the students had to solve them on their own. According to students and their parents, during the Covid-19 epidemic, teachers prepared interesting lessons several times a week and motivated students just as often with prepared tasks and activities and were at reach for help and conversation every day during distance learning.


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